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市政栽下充数的四棵残次品。Four raggedy excuses planted by the city.

艾加先生把他的女儿给你送来充数!Mr Edgar's sent you his daughter instead!

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马丁想起了他的素体诗悲剧,便把它寄去充数。Martin recollected his blank-verse tragedy, and sent it instead.

没什么好写的,就只能那几张照片来充数!There was nothing written on it can only charge a few photos to a few!

可是因为我看不懂菜单,所以就买了些垃圾食物充数。But I could not read the menu and survived on a junk food diet instead.

所以他们中的大多数只是被拉到国防军充数的,即便他们和德国人没有任何共通之处。So most of them were simply coscripted to wehrmacht, even if they had nothing common with Germany.

在第一个赛季,我们有我们觉得无能为力的比赛,因为伤病我们没有球员可以用,在板凳上我们甚至只能用年轻球员充数。In the first season, there were games we could not manage because we didn't have the players. We had young lads on the bench.

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意指因为找不到最渴望的人或物,便拿一些没那麽喜欢的人或物来充数。The phrase scrape the bottom of the barrel means to use something or someone that you're not keen on using because you can't manage to find anything or anyone else.

因为日本也将实行排放交易计划,日本公司为此买碳权充数,显出政府兑现了京都议定书的承诺。Japanese firms can use the credits to prepare for the ir country's own looming emissions-trading scheme, and the Japanese government can use the m to meet its Kyoto commitments.

集选区的议员的表现无法直接被评估,若限制集选区议员所占的比例,将可避免“滥芋充数”的现象在国会中出现。It is hard to assess the performance of individual MPs in a GRC. Limiting the number of GRCs can thus help avoid a situation where "inferior candidates pass off as competent ones".

歹徒在网路上刊出非常低廉的商品诱使民众汇款,再以劣品充数,交易完成后即避不见面。Gangsters published on the Internet at very low transfer of goods to trick people into them, and then charge the number of bads, after completion of the transaction would not even meet.