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有性生殖开始进入画面。Sexual reproduction enters the picture.

人类是通过有性生殖来繁衍同类的。Human beings propagate their species by sexual reproduction,

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除了有性生殖外,部份蕨类植物藉无配生殖的方式产生后代。In addition to sexual reproduction, some ferns produce sporophytes by apogamy.

蕨类植物孢子与种子植物花粉在有性生殖过程中都具有重要的作用。Fern spores and spermatophyte pollen have major roles in plant sex reproduction.

有性生殖离不开性腺。Sexual reproduction couldn't happen without the sexual organs called the gonads.

胚珠作为被子植物的有性生殖器官一直为植物学家所关注。As a sexual reproductive organ, ovules have received much attention by botanists.

在象我们这样的有性生殖生物体中,称为减数分裂的过程平分了它的数目。In sexually reproducing organisms like us, a process called meiosis halves this number.

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慢性病例的骨髓涂片中有时可找到疟原虫的有性生殖体。The marrow of chronic exemple can find the zoogamy body of plasmodium sometimes in smear.

提高食物浓度,对壶状臂尾轮虫的有性生殖没有明显的促进作用。Sexual reproduction of Brachionus urceus was not promoted by improving the density of diet.

有性生殖中配对的雌雄双方不足随机交配的现象。Assortative mating Sexual reproduction in which the pairing of male and female is not random.

解释有性生殖如何起到从基因组中消除有害基因的作用,主要有两种假设。There are two main hypotheses which explain how sex may act to remove deleterious genes from the genome.

在混合环境中,无性繁殖的母体大多产生有性生殖的雌性后代。In the mixed environment, asexual females were more likely to produce sexually reproducing female offspring.

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这些植物通常是来自有性生殖植物的杂交产生的多倍体,大量的这些无性繁殖系已被广泛采用。These are often polyploids derived from hybridization between sexual species and many of these clones have spread.

冷蒿有性生殖分配随刈牧强度的增加而降低,繁殖方式发生了改变。Sexual reproductive allocation decreased with increasing grazing or clipping intensities, and reproductive mode of A.

减数分裂是在进行有性生殖的生物中导致生殖母细胞中染色体数目减半的分裂过程。The daughter cells contain half no. of chromosome of the parent cell. Therefore it is also called reduction division.

这种重组对病毒来说相当于有性生殖-两种病毒有机会互换其全部的的遗传物质。Reassortment is the viral equivalent of sex -- two viruses can meet and swap entire stretches of their genetic material.

在相同区域中,不同生存微环境的近缘种类的有性生殖的光周期反应有所不同。Photoperiodic responses of SR are distinct in closely related species inhabiting overlapping but different micro habitats.

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其次,普通的真菌有性生殖通常生产孢子,而这些孢子是可以被免疫系统轻易地识别并清除掉的。Second, normal fungal sexual reproduction usually produces spores, which the immune system can easily identify and dispose of.

一种理论言称,从有性生殖到无性生殖的转变或许才帮助了这些远古的生物存活了这么长时间。One theory is that switching from sexual reproduction to virgin birth might have helped these ancient creatures survive so long.

在种群水平上,中等强度以上的放牧干扰有利于植物的克隆生长,但有性生殖减弱。To some extent, moderate and heavy grazing can enhance clonal growth ability of grasses, but depress sexual reproduction ability.