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他即席赋诗。He knocks off a poem.

她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。She's very creative—she writes poetry and paints.

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这位著名的诗人常被邀请即席赋诗。The famous poet was often asked to compose a poem extempore.

看到这么美的景色,我真想赋诗一首。Seeing such beautiful scenery, I really want to compose a poem.

当时,有一烧火僧以“半’字为题,赋诗一首。At that time, a Shaohuo Monk "-'word for that, given Shiyi Shou ."

赋诗是春秋时期一种特殊的活动和文化现象。"Allusion" is a common rhetoric device in composing poetry and prose.

中国的外交部长李肇星曾经在罗卡角赋诗一首。Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing once composed a poem at Cabo da Roca.

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他们与道士一起饮酒赋诗、弹琴论画、游山玩水。They drank and indited, played musical instrument and drew pictures and strolled together.

而赋诗应对为行人之职,亦为外交礼仪形式。It is Xingren' s duty to reply by chanting poems, which also becomes one form of diplomatic rituals.

在这里眺望大理洱海风光,品茗赋诗,倍添情趣,是人们寻幽探胜的好地方。In view of Dali lake scenery here, tea Fushi, Beitian fun, people Xunyou exploration is a good place to win.

春秋时代,赋诗是政治理想与个人志向的表达方式。Writing poems was a ritual to express individual's political ideal and ambition in the Spring-and-Autumn Period.

本论文主要是以先秦春秋时代外交场合中的「赋诗言志」为研究对象。My thesis targets the behavior of " poeticizing" exercised at diplomatic occasions of the Xianqing-Chunqiu period.

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春秋“赋诗引诗”,是中国史上一种特殊的文化现象。The intonation of poems and quoting poems in the Spring and Autumn period were a special culture phenomenon of Chinese history.

我不常给君主统治阶级赋诗赞美,但是和别的女性一样,我喜爱美丽的爱情故事,我想现在在我们身边就有这样一幕童话。I don't usually wax lyrical about the monarchy, but like any woman, I appreciate a good love story, and I think we've got one here.

我不常给君主统治阶级赋诗赞美,但是和别的女性一样,我喜爱美丽的爱情故事,我想现在在我们身边就有这样一幕童话。I don’t usually wax lyrical about the monarchy, but like any woman, I appreciate a good love story, and I think we’ve got one here.

遇花便想赋诗,见蝶便想入画,观云便想抒怀,赏月便想留墨。In case of flowers will want to compose, he wanted to see the butterfly painting, clouds to poetry, the moon will want to keep ink.

北齐有个叫祖莹的人八岁就能写诗,唐朝的李密七岁就能以象棋为题赋诗。Zhu Ying in the North Qih Dynasty could compose poems at eight, and Li Mih in the Tang Dynasty could even rhyme chess playing at seven.

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他以抄书赋诗闻名于世,特别注意收集整理清朝当代文献和苏州地区的乡邦文献。Most of the documents he collected and collated were the contemporary documents of the Qing Dynasty and the local documents in Suzhou Area.

晋朝富豪石崇家有金谷园。石崇常在园中同宾客饮宴,即席赋诗,不会做的要罚酒三杯…He used to entertain his friends in the Jingu Garden and whoever failed to produce good poems was made to drink three cups of wine as a forfeit.

其形式主要是游山玩水、饮酒赋诗、书画遣兴、品鉴文艺等,赏心悦目、怡然自得。It feasts for the eyes in the form of making a sightseeing tour, drinking and composing poetry, calligraphy and painting and appreciating literature.