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治怀胎蕴热,胎动不安。Indicated for quickening due to heat-stagnation.

尚未胎动的胎儿是活的抑或不然?Is a fetus that has not yet quickened alive or not?

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从母亲怀中的胎动、肢体动作。Fetal movement from the mother's arms, body movements.

我是16周,四个月后感觉到胎动的。I was 16 weeks, four months after feeling fetal movement.

事实上,很容易把这种微弱的胎动误以为是胃内气体或肚子的咕噜声。In fact it’s easy to mistake the faint flutters for gas or stomach rumbling.

至于胎动是说像小动物拌落毛样的是男孩。As regards the movement is that small animals like Romaine mix kind of a boy.

事实上,很容易把这种微弱的胎动误以为是胃内气体或肚子的咕噜声。In fact, it’s easy to mistake the faint flutters for gas or stomach rumbling.

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术语“胎动”定义为分娩的第二产程期间加快的脉搏。The term "quickening" refers to the rising pulse rate during the second stage of labor.

你的妇产科医师或助产师可能希望你在特定的时间范围内记录下胎动的图表。Your ob-gyn or midwife may want you to keep a fetal movement chart during a specific time period.

孕妇自觉胎动减少应通过NST,CST,生物物理评分或改良的生物物理评分进行评估。Maternal reports of decreased fetal movement should be evaluated by an NST, CST, BPP, or modified BPP.

这不只是HAARP或微波之类的东西辐射出的“波”,还是宇宙的胎动初期。It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos.

同时选择年龄、孕周及高危因素相似的孕妇120例作为对照组,单纯以胎动计数作为自我监护方式。The control group consisted of 120 pregnant women who only used fetal movement counting as family self-monitoring method.

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当然还要因人而异,如对那些胎动较强的胎儿可选一些轻松活泼,节奏感较强的曲子。Of course, vary, such as those of fetal movement a number of strong fetal optional lively, strong sense of rhythm of the song.

即便胎动完全中止也别急,由于医师会立刻反省胎儿能否安康,能否需求催生。Do not worry even if fetal movement has completely suspended, as doctors can immediately reflect fetal well-being, whether demand for birth.

结果表明,基于车轮多维力传感器的道路试验数据采集系统能够为轮胎动特性的研究提供方便而有效的手段。The result illustrates that WFT based vehicle road test system can provide a convenient and effective means for research on tire dynamic property.

爱尔兰研究人员称,用于检测怀孕是否发展良好的胎动统计是不准确的,应该停止。Foetal kick charts, used to determine if a pregnancy is progressing well, are inaccurate and should be discontinued, according to Irish researchers.

方法对638例孕妇产前常规进行胎动、胎心率电子监护、超声显像与多普勒脐动脉血流速度检查。Methods Fetal movement, fetal heart rate, ultrasonography, umbilical artery flow velocity were examined in 638 cases of pregnant women before delivery.

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本文将声学理论和声学分析仪器应用于禽蛋胚胎的活体识别中,提出一种半侵入法测量禽蛋胚胎胎动的新方法。Acoustic analysis instruments are applied to identify bird embryos and a new semi-invasive method is proposed to measure heart rate of chick embryos in this paper.

猪是一种多产胎动物,一头好的母猪能产10头甚至更多的小猪,一般来说一头母猪一年能产两窝小猪。The pig is a litter-bearing animal and a typical female will give birth to 10 or more piglets. It is common for sows to give birth to two litters of pigs each year.

而当胎盘功能发生障碍、脐带绕颈,孕妇用药不当,遇外界不良刺激时,则可能引起不正常的胎动。When the placenta function obstacles, umbilical cord around the neck, improper use of pregnant women, the case of adverse external stimulus, may cause abnormal fetal movement.