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大吵大闹之后他们又扭打在一起。They scuffled after quarrelling.

护卫员同闯入的人扭打起来。The guards wrestled with the intrude rs.

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他们为争夺一个女孩扭打成一团。They struggled with each other for a girl.

这两个人先是争吵起来,接着又扭打在一起。The two men quarrelled and there was a scuffle.

只看到他们从印岱克斯的门里扭打出来。Then they came fighting out of the door of The Index.

在走廊外面,有扭打的痕迹和金属发出的声音。In the hallway outside, a scuffle of feet. A clink of metal.

志明非常气愤,结果二人在街上扭打起来。Chi Ming very angry, the result two people fighting in the street.

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此时,归来的谢易达发现两人,与安在勇一阵扭打。At this time, return XieYi reaches found that they, with a scuffle.

另外两人在与枪手扭打在地的过程中受了些轻伤。Two others were slashed as they wrestled the shooter to the ground.

他告诉贺塞,他是为了找卡门而来,两人扭打在一起。He tells José that he has come to find Carmen, and the two men fight.

两位拳击手扭打在一起,裁判把他们分开了。The two boxers struggled with each other and the referee separated them.

那天晚上,简·爱听见她上层的那个房间里传来扭打声和呼救声。That night Jane hears a scuffle and a cry for help in the room just above hers.

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在同警察的扭打中,她撕破了一个警察上衣的袖子。When she scuffled with the police, she tore the sleeves of one policeman's jacket.

夸里奇与这个蝎尾怪兽扭打着,不让它螳螂般的前肢夹住他。He grapples with the manticore, keeping its mantis forelimbs from locking onto him.

相反地,它转向恩布鲁,一阵扭打后,把他扔到地上。In fact, it turned on Mbulu, grappled with him, and sent his hurtling to the ground.

那名被抢的司机根本不吃这一套,和他们扭打起来。The drivers were robbed of a set of fundamental eat it, and they are struggling with.

国有媒体报道说,身穿防暴服的警察与手持标语牌的人群发生了扭打。State media reported that police in riot gear scuffled with the placard-carrying crowd.

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但是当做在伦敦,队伍被火把宴会和活跃份子之间的扭打折磨了。But as in London, the procession was plagued by scuffles between the torch party and activists.

而陈勇军看到曾经的妻子竟然和另一个男人站在一边,这样对付自己,他彻底失去了理智,挣扎着和张志福扭打在一起。Seeing his wife and another man fight with us, Chen lost reason totally and fighted with Zhang.

她声称,卡恩试图脱下她的内衣,两人在他公寓的地板上扭打。She claims the pair of them wrestled on the floor of his apartment as he tried to unhook her bra.