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目的探讨吴茱萸碱抗肿瘤的作用机制。Objective To explore the mechanism of evodiamine in treating Carcinoma.

对近年来有关吴茱萸有效成分的药理研究进行概括。The effective components in Fructus Evodiae have lots of pharmacological effects.

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目的研究吴茱萸碱体外诱导L929细胞死亡的机制。Objective To study the mechanism of L929 cell death induced by Evodiamine in vitro.

测定吴茱萸正丁醇提取物1、2中的总皂苷、总黄酮的含量。Fotal saponins, and flavonoids contents in rutaecarpa 1,2 n-butanol extract were determined.

吴茱萸叶中分泌囊分布于下表皮内的海绵组织中。Secretory cavities in the leaf of Evodia rutaecarpa are distributed among the spongy tissue.

本法具有科学、先进、可行的特点,可望成为评价吴茱萸质量的常规方法。The problem of the species identification and quality grading assessment can be carried out with this method.

结果吴茱萸挥发油水蒸气蒸馏的最佳提取工艺为A1B2C3,超临界萃取的最佳提取工艺为A3B1C3,后者明显优于前者。Results The optimum extraction technology of SD and SFE were A1B2C3 and A3B1C3. SFE was obviously superior to SD.

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通过1988-1995年对安徽省21种主栽木本药用植物害虫的广泛调研,作者已对杜仲、山茱萸、吴茱萸等9种药用树种害虫作了报道。Previous work had been conducted to investigate the pests on 21 important medicinal xylophyta from 1988 to 1995 in Anhui Province.

结果表明吴茱萸汤对多种方法所致的急、慢性溃疡模型均有明显的治疗及预防作用。The results indicate that WZYD has the obvious treatment and prevention effects on acute and chronic PU model making by all kinds of ways.

目的研究吴茱萸药材水蒸气蒸馏-醇提过大孔树脂柱联用工艺的提取效果。Objective To investigate the extraction efficiency of Fructus evodiae by wet distillation-alcohol extract combined with macroporous adsorptive resin.

目的对比研究水和盐酸甲醇两种溶媒对黄连吴茱萸药对中小檗碱型生物碱溶出率的影响。OBJECTIVE To investigate the influence of menstruum on solubility of protoberberinium alkaloids in the couple of Rhizoma Coptidis and Fructus Evodiae.

鱼药丑牛10号是用油樟、岩桂、紫穗槐、吴茱萸、安息香等植物配成的制剂。Chouniu No. 10 is a fishery medicine made from Cinnamomum Ionge-paiculatum, Cinnamomum petrophilium, Amorpha fruticosa, Evodia rut-aecarpa, Styrax hypoglauca.

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结果实验表明,煎煮次数、溶媒用量对吴茱萸次碱的提取影响较大,煎煮时间则次之。Result The experiment show that decoction time and menstruum dosage have the evidence influence on extracting rutaecarpine, and decoction hour take second place.

采用薄层层析和紫外吸收光谱测定方法,比较黄连与吴茱萸用量配伍比例及提取方法对其化学成分的影响。The effects of compatible proportion of Rhizoma Coptidis and Fructus Evodiae, and the extraction method on the chemical components in Zuojin Pills were investigated by TLC and UV.

目的观察吴茱萸次碱对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用是否与激活辣椒素敏感的感觉神经有关。OBJECTIVE To determine whether the protection of rutaecarpine against myocardial ischemia-reperfu-sion injury is related to the activation of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves in rats.

吴茱萸碱为中药吴茱萸的主要生物碱成分,具有多种生物学活性,近年研究表明,它具有明显的抗炎活性。Evodiamine, the major alkaloidal component isolated from Chinese herbal drug named Wu-Chu-Yu, exhibits various biological effects, and was reported to has the anti-inflammatory activities.

方法采用正交试验,以基质的黏着力为指标进行吴茱萸巴布剂基质最优处方的筛选。Method Orthogonal design was used to select the matrix formulation of cataplasm of Rutaecartu , with the appearance, viscosity , spreadability , and residual as the index in the experiment.

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本文综述了吴茱萸的药理作用,并试图说明它的中医温里功效的现代含义。In the present paper, we have reviewed the pharmacological effects of Fructus Evodiae and have tried to explain the modern meaning for its actions warming the internal in traditional Chinese medicine.