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腐烂的牙齿和牙龈。Rotting teeth and gums.

按摩,刺激牙龈。Massage, stimulates gums.

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牙龈变红和肿起。The gums become red and swollen.

你的牙龈发炎了。疼吗?You gum is inflamed. Does it hurt?

现在恐怕不行,四周的牙龈还肿着。I'm afraid not. The gum is swollen.

牙龈经常出血,可能是白血病吗???Gum often bleeds, may be leukaemia? ? ?

烤瓷牙导致牙龈发炎怎么办?How long is the life of porcelain teeth?

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我的牙龈肿得很历害,我不能吃东西。My gums are so swollen that I can't eat.

我牙龈脓肿,所以他就把那颗牙拔掉了。I got an abscess so he took the tooth out.

现在恐怕不行,四周的牙龈还肿着呢?。I'm afraid not. The gum around is swollen.

他的拔牙器穿开了牙龈没有啊?Has he loosened the periodontal ligament yet?

牙龈,舌,颊部的溃疡Sores or lesions on your gums, cheeks or tongue

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运动上唇做显露上牙龈状动作。Campaign upper lip do reveal the gum-like action.

牙龈问题增加动脉硬化的风险。Gum problems increase the risk of atherosclerosis.

好几周我的牙龈、牙齿、下巴、鼻窦阵痛不止。For weeks my gums, teeth, jaw and sinuses throbbed.

X光线可以显示出牙龈里的智齿。X-rays can show wisdom teeth that are below the gums.

牙龈起泡是手足口病的症状吗?Is gum the symptom of brothers mouth disease frothily?

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选取牙龈组织和牙龈成纤维细胞作为对照。Gingiva tissue and cells were used as negative control.

这可让刷毛在牙龈下轻轻滑动。This allows the bristles to slide gently under the gum.

牙龈组织,但是不应该停留在脱皮。The gingival tissue, however should not remain blanched.