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您对我们查勘员的电话满意吗?Members of our survey your telephone satisfaction?

在这场关于克隆的争论中,宗教是否能查勘最终的原因呢?In the debate over cloning, will religious views ultimately matter?

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应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。For Survey must be given to the Company's Agent as mentioned hereunder.

泛华保险公估有限公司车险查勘定损岗实习5个月。Global China Insurance Appraisal Co. , Ltd. Automobile Insurance survey will practice 5 months post loss.

泛华保险公估有限公司车险查勘定损岗实习5个月。Global China Insurance Co. Automobile Insurance survey will damage assessment post internship for 5 months.

所保货物,如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失事或事故,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。If the loss or damage is not apparent, the notice must be given within three days of the delivery of the goods.

除此之外,他还想查勘那里的森林和河流,再一次寻找那神秘的青春泉。More than this, he expected to explore its woods and rivers and seek again for the mysterious fountain of youth.

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朱诺号将用大约1年的时间查勘木星,并试图看到其翻飞盘旋的云层以下的部分,探索那云层底下的真面目。Juno will spend about a year surveying Jupiter and seeks to look beneath its swirling clouds to explore what lies below.

调查表明,当前我国企业风险管理水平处于初级阶段,企业更希望获得保险公司优质的风险查勘及防灾防损服务以减少潜在损失。Traditionally, the main purpose of risk survey provided by insurance companies is to decrease the insurance industrys own risks.

在查勘经济残骸的同时,世界各国想知道的是,它们能做些什么来防止这种情况再度发生?As they survey the economic wreckage, nations around the world are wondering what they can do to prevent this from happening again.

由查勘师委员会决定受损建筑物或其中任一部分是否可以修复。The committee of surveyors decides whether a damaged building or any part thereof is repairable . If so, the damage is quantified in per cent.

所保货物,如发生本保险单项下不可能引起索赔的损失或损坏,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。In the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim under this Policy, immediate notice must be given to the Company Agent as mentioned hereunder.

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如发生导致损失或者损害的事故,投保人应立即通知投保公司的代理人查勘。In any event or accident that may result in loss or damage, the insured should give the insurance company's agent an immediate notice applying for survey.

掌上型GPS可以快捷准确地进行野外实地查勘获工程测绘,以及船测调绘作业,在生产与生活中得到了广泛的应用。Palm GPS can rapidly and accurately conduct field location-survey to get engineering mapping and conduct boat measurement annotation, widely used in daily life.

我公司为民太安保险公估有限公司青岛分公司,现在山东省淄博,潍坊,烟台开展车险查勘理赔工作。I company for PETN public insurance assessment Ltd. Qing Dao branch, now the Shandong province of Zibo, Weifang, Yantai to carry out auto insurance claims survey work.

为大中修提供查勘、施工的可靠资料,最大限度地延长房屋的使用寿命,同时不断改善房屋的使用条件。They should provide reliable information of survey and construction for repair and overhaul in order to prolong the usage period at most, to improve the living conditions.

如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失或事故,应立即通知下述代理人查勘。In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this Policy, immediate notice applying for survey must be given to Agent as mentioned hereunder.

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如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失或事故,应立即通知下述代理人查勘。In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this Policy immediate notice applying for survey must be given to the Agent as mentioned hereunder.

本文叙述了查勘房屋现状、检测主要构件的材料强度、调查构件配筋的过程。The process of examining the status of structure, detecting the material intensity of major members, investigating the reinforcement in components are presented in this paper.

所保货物,如发生损失事故,应立即通知本公司下述就近代理人查勘。In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this Certificate immediate notice must be given to the nearest Company's Agent as mentioned hereunder.