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他一生过得庸庸碌碌。He lived a futile life.

我该庸庸碌碌过一生。I should finish life mediocre and unambitious.

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大多数人整日里只为养家糊口而奔忙,庸庸碌碌了此一生。Most people they raise a family, they earn a living and then they die.

像机器人一样处理任务只会让我们感觉像一只庸庸碌碌的雄蜂。Processing tasks like a robot can make us feel like uninspired drones.

我们期望那些庸庸碌碌或贪污腐化的人罪责自负…We expect those who are ineffective or corrupt to be held accountable.

如果你能够满足于庸庸碌碌的生活,我们今天就不会落得这个地步。Had you been content with life's surfaces, we would all have been happier.

庸庸碌碌的忙乎,却没有一个睁开的眼睛和打开自己的思维。Busying ineffectively, but no one opened their eyes and open their own thinking.

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他们不喜欢整天为了生计、为了名利,庸庸碌碌地周旋在俗事之间。They don't like to bustle in and out for living, worldly trivia, fame and wealth.

这城市大多数人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆、车来人往。Most people blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars.

我们常常听到人们用“很一般”、“庸庸碌碌”和“腐败透顶”这些词。We have often heard such words as "very average", "thoroughly mediocre", and "very corrupt".

我们常常听到人们用“很一般”、“庸庸碌碌”和“腐败透顶”这些词。These common rough people, with their coarse faces, become quite different when she is on the stage.

成功的事业生涯建立者眼光远大,不安于庸庸碌碌的工作。Successful career builders take the long view and don't position themselves in jobs that are mediocre.

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而自己也只是他们其中的一员,整日庸庸碌碌,早已经忘记了该怎样去品味和欣赏生活!But his is only one of them a member of the day powerless, already forgotten how to taste and enjoy life!

从远处看,人生的不幸还很有诗意呢,一个人最怕庸庸碌碌地生活。From a distance, unfortunately in life also have a lot of poetry, a person to live the most afraid of be idle.

从远处看,人生的不想还很有诗意呢,一个人最怕庸庸碌碌的生活。From a distance, life don't want to also have a lot of poetry, a person is the most afraid of, unexamined life.

为什么到了年过半百还是毫无起色,还是庸庸碌碌,毫无出人头地的征兆?Why lead half hundred or have no improvement year, be still mediocre and unambitious , omen had no to stand out?

回味生活,品味人生,其实我们普通老百姓就是那么一回事,平平淡淡,庸庸碌碌。Pondering life, taste and life, in fact, it is that we ordinary people one thing, nothing exciting and powerless.

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他们,都在庸庸碌碌,随波逐流的活着,等待着已经开始凋谢的生命之花最后的殒落。They are all powerless, drift to live, waiting for has started withering flower of life, the last imminent demise.

又到周末了,一周就这样“庸庸碌碌”地过去了,真是无所作为啊!It is a weekend again, one weekend is going to pass soon, and I feel I attempted and accomplished nothing in this week.

然而,在庸庸碌碌的现代社会中,我们甚至没有查觉我们正在失去那些会让我们后悔莫及的东西。In the middle of the dizzy modern life, however, we even do not recognize what we are losing, without which we regret a lot.