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我的身体相当结实。I am a fairly strong man.

这些树每年结实。These trees fruit annually.

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这把椅子很结实。This is a very solid chair.

脚垫结实,足爪圆拱。Pads strong and feet arched.

骹骨长而结实。Pasterns are long and strong.

这箱子用很结实的布作衬里。Strong cloth lined the trunk.

那梯子看起来不太结实。That ladder looks a bit dicky.

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她喜欢他肩膀结实。She likes his broder shoulders.

结实,且几乎垂直的胶骨。Strong, nearly straight pastern.

用干打垒建造的土墙结实吗?Is a wall of rammed earth durable?

这是所有树篱中最结实的一个。This is the stoutest hedge of all.

操作台是由结实的山毛榉木做成的。The worktop is made of solid beech.

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那猎人是个结实健壮的人。The hunter was a stout lusty fellow.

感觉结实的,铁铸的或变黑的钢。Feels solid, iron or blackened steel.

他砍了一根结实的树枝用来拄着走路。He cut a stout stick to help him walk.

她用很结实的布给衣箱做衬里。She lined the trunk with strong cloth.

卡车把马路上的雪压的很结实。The trucks packed the snow on the road.

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用一个结实的金属网放到鼓的顶部。Cover the top with a strong wire screen.

这条结实的绳子是用4条绳子搓成的。The strong rope is twisted from 4 ropes.

但它们都不如“袖珍推土机”那么结实。They're not as sturdy as the Mini Dozer.