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有些驳船有帆。Some barges have sails.

他们正在从运油驳船卸货。They are unloading an oil barge.

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我用一根驳船撑杆也够不到它。I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

有些驳船是由小汽船拖行的。Some barges are pulled by small steamers.

正在往驳船里卸货。The cargo is being discharged into lighters.

我得跑步了,又有一艘驳船过来了。I’ve got to run. Another barge is passing by.

这艘驳船把他俩送到奥菲德朗。This barge transported them to the Ophideraan.

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集装箱船,散装船,还有一些驳船。Container ships, bulk carriers, and some barges.

离那里两三英里有一条驳船。They have a barge that sits about two, three miles off.

在一个方面,驳船与小船是十分古老的。On one level, the barge and the skiffs are very archaic.

型驳船交付给交通部上海打捞局后一年内为公司保修期。The warranty of Type T barge is one year after delivery.

在平底驳船里,畏缩的家禽对嚎叫的猫头鹰面露不悦。In the scow , the cowering fowl scowled at the howling owl.

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当驳船抵达圣地时,辅祭除去了柩衣。When the barge reached the shrine, acolytes removed the pall.

矿砂和煤已被用驳船沿俄亥俄河运载到密西西比河。Ore and coal had been barged down the Ohio to the Mississippi.

另有一条突堤码头,属私人所有,由驳船装运矿石。Otherwise a jetty, is a privately owned, ore shipment by barge.

天已经黄昏,而那里除了泥巴外,只有一条老驳船。It’s dusk and that part of the river’s just mud and an old barge.

这段时间内,驳船运输将重新整合以缓解河运压力。During this time barge traffic will find relief repositioning fleets.

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相关二程驳船公司会通知客户货物抵达目的港时间。Relevant feeders would notice China consignees about cargo arrival time.

骡和马在岸上用绳索牵拉着驳船在运河中前行。Mules and horses on land pulled the barges through the canal using ropes.

小驳船可以沿疏濬成运河的河段航行至吉森。Small barges are able to navigate to Giessen on the partly canalized river.