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告诉传媒他病的有多严重。Tell the jackals how sick he is.

传媒业产值五年内将翻番。Media industry output doubled in five yrs.

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分众传媒将保持一小部分广告业务。Focus Media would retain a rump ad business.

福布斯传媒也满足了放款方规定的财务指标。Forbes met the stipulated financial targets.

传媒大腕杨澜为特奥会筹资。Media guru Yang Lan raises money for Specia.

但传媒公司必须重新定义其用途。But media companies have to redefine the use.

传媒害我直到今天没嫁出去。I am not married till now because of the media.

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你对纽约的大众传媒有些什么看法呢?What do you think of the mass media in New York?

这将是加拿大传媒显示组织的总部。It will be organized by Canwest Shows Head Office.

虽然时代更迭,但是人们不会忘记通过电视传媒和印刷品相互讥讽嘲笑。Generations exchange sneers on TV and printed page.

大众传媒不单单是世界之窗。The mass media is not simply a window on the world.

大家传媒正以惊人的速度向前发展。The mbum media are developing in a dcousining speed.

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活力中国传媒于2009年在西班牙瓦伦西亚成立。Vivachina media set up in Valencia of Spain in 2009.

在世界的大部分地方,大众传媒正蓬勃发展。In much of the world, the mass media are flourishing.

苏富比今日为这些珍品作传媒预展。Su Fu makes medium preview than be these curiosa now.

您可能也知道,我一直对大众传媒充满了兴趣。--辞职礴。As you may know, I have been interested in mass media.

舆论监督是网络传媒的一项职能。Supervision is a task of internet communication media.

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从下周起,维京传媒将向数以千计的非法下载或共享音乐的家庭发出通牒。The age of illegal music downloads could soon be over.

号外是一种颇有价值的纸质传媒。The extra edition is a kind of the valuable paper media.

新华社的这一举措仅仅是中国传媒计划的一部分。Xinhua’s move is just one of several planned by Beijing.