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因此,建立统一战线很有必要。A united front is, therefore, essential.

大团结、大联合与共同奋斗是统一战线的主题。Its themes are uniting, consolidation and joint struggle.

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他曾一度参加过山西某县的统一战线政府。At one time, he joined a United Front government in Shansi.

他们是抗日统一战线中的中间派。They form the middle section of the anti-Japanese united front.

他们希望呈现一个统一战线,而且,这是一个有效的政府。Ey want to present a united front, that this is an effective gove.

他们是抗日统一战线中的进步派。They form the progressive section of the anti-Japanese united front.

县级统战工作是我们党统一战线工作的基础。United-front work of a is the basis of our Party's united-front work.

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因此,只有统一战线的策略才是马克思列宁主义的策略。Therefore, united front tactics are the only Marxist-Leninist tactics.

统一战线理论在不同的历史时期不断被丰富和发展。The theory of the united front is developing in different historic periods.

全党同志必须为这个统一战线的巩固和发展而奋斗。All Party comrades must strive to consolidate and develop this united front.

巩固和发展最广泛的爱国统一战线。We will consolidate and develop the broadest possible patriotic united front.

壮大爱国统一战线,团结一切可以团结的力量。Expand the patriotic united front and unite with all forces that can be united.

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党的统一战线具有“团结、协调、凝聚”作用。The Partys United Front has the function of "unity, coordination and cohesion".

统一战线的这些特点,凸现了政治合法性的人民根源性。The above features of the UF highlights the root cause of the political legality.

通过统一战线工作的开展,团结了一切可以团结的反帝爱国力量。The united front work united all can be united anti-imperialist patriotic forces.

伟大的抗日民族统一战线,就是这种努力的总方向。All such efforts should converge on the great Anti-Japanese National United Front.

政党的左翼组成与反动势力斗争的统一战线。The parties of the leave have forme a common front to fight the force of reaction.

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研究现阶段统一战线具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。The research of present united front has great theoretical and practical significance.

其次,论争对文化统一战线进行了理论探索。Second, the controversy persons had a theoretic exploration to the cultural united front.

统一战线与党的执政能力密切相连,相互促进。The United Front and the CPC's administrative competence are complementarily correlative.