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专柜的背背佳多少钱?Back back good counter how much?

您得到袜子专柜去买。You can get them at the hosiery department.

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但是他们现在他们可以直接去专柜做亲子鉴定。Now they can get a paternity test over the counter.

在“药剂师专柜”,唐从不穿白大褂。At the Apothecary Shoppe, Don never wears a white coat.

他问她要一份冰淇淋圣代冰淇凌苏打专柜。He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae.

正式全面多普达专柜对广大消费者营业。Dopod counters into full operation on the vast number of consumers.

有些人为了来一趟“药剂师专柜”要开八十英里的车。Some people drive eighty miles just to visit the Apothecary Shoppe.

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后来,他们在纽克拉定居并开了“药剂师专柜”。eventually, they settled in Nucla and opened the Apothecary Shoppe.

目前,上市的上海世博会特许产品有2500多款,在全国20个省区市设立了250余个世博特许商品零售店和专柜。More than 2,500 collections of Expo 2010 products are on sale nationwide.

那里有一个集邮专柜,他能在那儿买到他想收藏的邮票。They have a philately counter where he can buy stamps for his collection.

唐.克尔克特在纽克拉经营一家叫“药剂师专柜”的药店已经三十多年了。Don Colcord has owned Nucla’s Apothecary Shoppe for more than thirty years.

无论大小商场到夏天都设麦茶专柜。No matter the size of shopping malls are located in summer wheat tea counter.

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此咭适用于任何香港文华花胶专门店之分店及专柜。This VIP card is valid at all Mandarin Fish Maw outlets and counters in Hong Kong.

拥有该地区最旺商业路段的铺位或商厦一定面积专柜位置。Possessing the most popular commerce section or some shoppes in commercial building.

乐振环在各大零售商的避孕套专柜处有售。The Pleasuring Vibrating Ring is available in the condom section of major retailers.

目前,日本越来越多的廉价食品店设专柜卖过期货品。More and more cheap-priced groceries set up special shelves to sell out-of-date food.

目前该品牌在北京路的广百百货设有专柜。M. A. C currently runs a counter in Grandbuy Beijing Road Department Store in Guangzhou.

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需要在本站转乘飞机到其他地方的旅客请到候机室中专柜办理。Passenger Who Change Flight From Our Stantion, Pls Go Through Formalities At The Shoppe.

精细可以查阅梦妆官网,或许到专柜试用感受。Fine makeup official website can access a dream, perhaps to counter the trial experience.

有些有机食物的专柜被撤销腾出空间,被更加经济的产品所替代。Some organic food was cleared off supermarket shelves to make room for more economy lines.