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没错儿,就是独木舟。Exactly, it is a canoe.

他划独木舟很拿手。He can kayak very well.

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独木舟立即物归原主。To carry or send by canoe.

他划独木舟过河。He canoed across the river.

独木舟顺流而下。The canoe floated downstream.

我们发现了几只独木舟。We espied a number of canoes.

他们在河中划独木舟。They were canoeing in the river.

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我们现在正在湖中划独木舟。We are canoeing in the lake now.

更多关于风帆冲浪或划独木舟吗?More into windsurfing or kayaking?

他用独木舟把那位老人送过了河。He canoed the old man across the river.

独木舟,羽饰,水牛和牛仔。Canoe, war bonnet, buffalos, and cowboy.

他们的行李用独木舟运过河去。Their baggage was canoed across the river.

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通常的交通工具是独木舟。Dugout canoes a popular means of transport.

远离都市地方安顿下来弄艘独木舟。Settle down far from town get him a pirogue.

你知道的,划独木舟啊,徒步旅行啊,非常有趣。you know, canoeing, hikes, it's a lot of fun.

他们乘独木舟绕合恩角岛航行。They circumnavigated cape horn island in canoes.

他的独木舟在险滩下面的河水中。His canoe was there, on the river below the rapids.

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而且,上一次我去看了看,独木舟貌似是这样子的...Also, last time I checked, canoes looked like this...

下个夏天我们想去露营和划独木舟。We would like to go camping and canoeing next summer.

我拿了一袋玉米粉,带到独木舟上。I took a sack of cornmeal and carried it to the canoe.