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天也容易造成眼部浮肿。Days are likely to cause eye puffiness.

眼泪从漏底的眼睛流到浮肿的鼻子。Maudlin from leaky eye to swollen nose.

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她因睡眠不足而双眼浮肿。Her eyes were puffed from lack of sleep.

下眼袋浮肿要怎么弄没?。How should be next pouch dropsy done not?

经常性腿脚浮肿是为什么?Regular is dropsy of ability to walk why?

他面呈菜色,脸部浮肿。His complexion was sallow, his face swollen.

肌肤,减轻黑眼圈和浮肿。The skin, diminish dark circles and puffiness.

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受浮肿影响的组织常在按后起凹陷。The tissue affected by edema will usually pit.

晚期可有肝肿大、黄疸、浮肿、腹水。Terminal can have hepatomegaly, icteric, bloated, ascites.

有没有祛除眼睛浮肿的方法?方便一点的。Have the method of dispel eye dropsy ? A bit more convenient.

晚期可有肝肿大、黄疸、浮肿、腹水。Terminal can have hepatomegaly , icteric , bloated , ascites.

纹,浮肿,黑眼圈的人群四季均可使用。Lines, puffiness, dark eye circles can be used in four seasons.

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这个眼霜可以缓解你眼圈浮肿的问题。This eye cream can release the puffy problem your eyes be having.

我的眼睛因为哭过有些浮肿,睫毛膏流到了脸颊上。My eyes were puffy from crying and mascara had run down my cheeks.

我的足踝看起来浮肿,用手一按,就有小坑。My ankles look puffy and they pit when I press them with my finger.

随着你的年纪增大,你的眼睛下面自然会变得更加浮肿、更黑。As you age, of course your eyes get puffier and darker under the eye.

原生质进入植物组织后产生了浮肿,或者说是肿瘤。The plasmids enter the plant tissue and produce a swelling, or tumor.

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冷能收缩血管,立即减少浮肿。The cold constricts the blood vessels, immediately reducing puffiness.

两姐妹开始编造各种理由说自己的脚浮肿了。Both stepsisters began making excuses about how their feet had swollen.

他的脸虽浮肿,焦黄,但表现出生理上的满足。But his face, though puffy and yellow, expressed physical satisfaction.