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这类植物应归入菊科。This plant belongs to the daisy family.

栌菊木是菊科的单型属。Nouelia Franchet is a monotype genus of Compositae.

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该属为内蒙古菊科一新记录属。Paramicorhynchus Kirp. is a new record of genus to NeiMongol.

杭白菊为菊科植物菊的干燥头状花序。Compositae Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum is the dry flower heads.

三叶鬼针草是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。Bidens pilosa is one of the noxious invasive weed in Asteraceae.

菊科的一个海盘车单子叶植物属,包括蒲公英。An asterid dicot genus of the family compositae including dandelions.

蜂斗菜与款冬则是菊科不同属的两种植物。Butterbur and coltsfoot belong to two different genera of Compositae.

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种子繁殖是菊科植物延续后代的主要途径。It is main path that the seed reproduction is offspring of asteraceae.

我不知这种植物的名称,猜想它们是属于葵科或菊科?I do not know the name of the plant, guess they are or Asteraceae Kwai?

优势科主要有豆科、菊科、蔷薇科、唇形科、蓼科。Dominant families are mainly Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Labiatae, Compositae and Polygonaceae.

头状的,头状花序的形成头状的一簇或稠密的一丛的,如菊科植物的花朵。Forming a headlike mass or dense cluster as the flowers of plants in the composite family.

阿尔泰狗哇花为根蘖型菊科多年生无性系草本植物。Heteropappus altaicus is a root sucker type perennial herbaceous clonal plant of compositae.

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菊花脑是指一种可以食用的菊科植物头部的嫩茎叶。Juhuanao refers to edible tender stems and leaves atop a kind of plant of the composite family.

银胶菊,为菊科银胶菊属,是一种原产于中美洲的外来有害杂草。Parthenium hysterophorus L. of the family Asteraceae is an exotic noxious weed from Central America.

其花色变异丰富,其中含有菊科植物中较为稀有的典型蓝色花资源。Cineraria is plentiful in varieties of colors and has typical blue variety which is rare in Compositae.

雏菊又名延命菊,是菊科多年生草本植物,原产欧洲。Daisy and name the life-sustaining chrysanthemum, is a perennial herb compositae, the origin of Europe.

托苞在菊科植物,如向日葵中,承托盘花的花托上的一种膜质鳞片。The chaffy scales on the receptacle of a flower head in a plant of the composite family as the sunflower.

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本发明公开了一种从菊科植物中提取的香豆草醚类化合物的用途。The invention discloses the application of coumaric grass ester compound extracted from compositae plants.

黄土高原植物资源丰富,其中有菊科药用植物53属、113种。Medicinal plant resources of Compositae were rich in Loess plateau, in which were about 113 species, 53 genera.

少为人知,是菊科植物在家庭过敏的潜质,如菊花,雏菊。Less well known is the allergic potential of plants in the Asteraceae family such as chrysanthemums and daisies.