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究竟什么引起岔气?What exactly causes them?

在岔气消失后继续跑步。Continue running after the stitch goes away.

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我经常性地在开始跑步5分钟左右后感到岔气。I frequently get side stitches about five minutes into my run.

岔气又叫急性胸肋疼,是日常生活中难免的急症。Chest Pain is an acute chest pain, an unavoidable disease in daily life.

在北京小茶馆儿里,郭德纲常常把观众们逗得笑岔气。Guo Degang recently had the audience in stitches at a teahouse in Beijing.

你能在岔气、小腿抽筋、脚抽筋的情况下继续坚持游泳吗?Can you keep swimming when you get a side stitch, calf cramp, or foot cramp?

跟普遍的观点相反,在跑步前或跑步中喝水或饮料不会引起岔气。Contrary to popular belief, drinking while running does not cause side stitches.

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在上赛季的最后结束前的几周舍瓦经历勒了一个岔气手术。Shevchenko underwent a hernia operation in the closing weeks of the last campaign.

我马上送她到卫生室看了看,医生说她喘岔气了,一会儿就好了。I'll take her to the health room looked, the doctor said she was long and, for a while.

我怎么样才能治愈抽筋,或者更好的是在一开始就避免岔气。How can I get rid of those cramps or, better yet, avoid side stitches in the first place?

如果你想远离岔气,试着避免在跑步前一个小时内吃东西。If you tend to suffer from side stitches, try to avoid eating within one hour of running.

跟普遍的观点相反,在跑步前或跑步中喝水或饮料不会引起岔气。Contrary to popular belief, drinking before or during running does not cause side stiches.

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究竟什么引起岔气?当我们吸气时,我们的肺会充满空气,空气会把隔膜往下压。What exactly causes them?When we inhale, our lungs fill with air, which press the diaphragm downward.

岔气是一种在胸腔下缘下面的剧烈疼痛,它是由于横隔膜的肌肉痉挛引起的。A side stitch is a sharp, intense pain under the lower edge of the ribcage caused by a muscle spasm of the diaphragm.

如果你想远离岔气,试着避免在跑步前一个小时内吃东西。确保你一直在跑步前进行热身。If you tend to suffer from side stitches, try to avoid eating within one hour of running. Make sure that you always warm up before your runs.

在极其冷的天气下跑步也许会引起岔气,因为肺部充满寒冷的空气是非常不舒服的直到你全身热起来。Running in extreme cold temperatures may induce side stitches, as it's less comfortable to take in deep lungs full of frigid air until you're thoroughly warmed up.

当天,王庆吉在没有到现场的情况下,却知道井下环形车场一个司控道岔气缸管可能漏气,需要更换。The same day, Wang Qingji in the absence of the case to the scene to find that the Secretary-controlled underground ring park a turnout cylinder tube may leak and need replacing.

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比赛中有的运动员会突然出现腹痛,其原因一般来说是准备活动做得不充分,加上天气比较冷,开始跑时吸入了大量的冷空气或起跑速度过快等,出现“岔气”现象。Some athletes may suffer a sudden abdominal pain during the race, which is often caused by insufficient warming-up exercise, a cold weather so that a lot of cold air is inhaled, or running too fast.