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主干是我们的主线。The trunk is our mainline.

主线剧情﹐逃出荒岛的墓场。Escape from the graveyard of terror.

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只是我的主线伏在哪里。我始终不知。Just my main V where. I always know.

发布版本2.3比主线更坚固。Release 2.3 is firmer than mainline.

是调用主线程里的无模式对话框吧?There is a while loop in the thread.

别诺尼,四兵进攻,主线。Benoni, Four pawns attack, Main line.

有时这被成为“主线”。Sometimes this is called the "mainline".

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主线是没有基线的代码线。Mainline is the codeline that has no baseline.

在主线程发出请求时结束。Terminates when the main thread has requested.

讨论的主线与保险业是相对应的So it's really parallel to an insurance discussion.

发展应该是联合国改革的主线。Development should be the mainstream of the UN reform.

嗯,在他那正义的目的论,在其叙述的主线上Well, in line with his teleological account of justice

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想要在主线中修复它,有两种选择。To get this fix into the mainline, there are two options.

他说了一大堆情绪激动的废话使情节主线模糊不清。He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense.

他说了一大堆情绪激动的废话使情节主线模糊不清。He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense.

今年的冰灯艺术节将以北京冬奥会为主线,冬奥会元素随处可见。This year the ice lanterns will focus on the Winter Olympics.

韦维尔说,所有这些故事“都有一条共同的主线”。“There is a common thread” among these stories, Verveer said.

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因此,主线程有时也被叫做UI线程。As such, the main thread is also sometimes called the UI thread.

女性成长主题是贯穿阿特伍德小说的一条主线。Female initiation themes is the main subject in novels of Atwood.

主线程把从通道读取的数据写到管道中。The main thread writes bytes read from the channel into the pipe.