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外貌好,气质佳。Good looks, good temperament.

他有艺术家的气质。He has an artistic temperament.

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他们就是那种气质非常高雅的人。They are of such elegant people.

她身上有一种娴静的高贵气质。She has a quiet dignity about her.

她有一种天真无邪的气质。There is an ingenue air about her.

你认为梁咏琪很有气质?Do you think Gigi is a classy girl?

他全然缺乏军人气质。He lacks all soldier-like qualities.

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乔安娜具有一种天生的高雅气质。Joanna has natural grace and elegance.

这一次,他那四平八稳的气质遭到了破坏。For once his even temper was disturbed.

因杜拉因散发着宁静的气质。She smiles often and emanates serenity.

我爱你青松气质。I love your temperament of verdant pines.

简是一个有艺术家气质的女孩。Jane is a girl with an artistic temperament.

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气质浪漫迷人,讲究衣著打扮。Charming in personality and elegant in dress.

你看到那个女人气质的男人了吗?他是个男性同性恋者。Have you seen that womanish man?He's a queen.

人们说他具有当总统的气质。He's being talked up as president ial timber.

她身材高挑,腰杆笔直,气质潇洒。She was tall straight and handsome as she arose.

在他鬼鬼祟祟的威胁中有一种恶魔的气质。There’s a touch of demon in his stealthy menace.

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予人柔软及有气质的男仕香水。Velvety masculine scent of sweet meadow flowers.

我一直是一个中性气质的人。I' ve always been a neutral tones sort of person.

这些气质经常存在于60岁的人身上而不知是20岁的年轻人身上。This often exists in a man of 60 more than of 20.