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他们对事实供认不讳。They didn't dispute the facts.

对毒打苏某的事情,林某等3人均供认不讳。Sumou of beating things, Lin and 3 per confessed.

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警方称疑犯刘赘衡对犯罪事实供认不讳。Police said the suspect admitted he had committed the crime.

今天,欧康内尔在法庭上对之前的盗窃事实供认不讳。The court heard today that O'Connell had previous convictions for theft.

这两名男孩对该偷盗指控供认不讳,并将被择日宣判。Both boys pleaded guilty to the theft charge and face sentencing at a later date.

警方抓获了李氏兄弟后,两人对其各自犯罪事实供认不讳。Police arrested the Lee brothers, two of their respective confessed to the crime.

目前,犯罪嫌疑人对犯罪事实供认不讳,并被刑事拘留。At present, the suspects confessed to facts of a crime, and was criminal detention.

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2007年,他对另一桩吸毒驾驶的控告供认不讳并接受了社区服务的惩罚。In 2007 he admitted another charge of drug-driving and carried out community service.

孔某对其挪用公司巨额资金的犯罪事实供认不讳。Kong diverts the company large amount fund to it the delinquent account to confess fully.

迈克尔对法庭的起诉供认不讳,并受到小数额罚款及从事公共服务的要求。He pleaded no-contest to the charge, was fined a small amount and ordered to perform community service.

现年38岁的克拉克先前在法庭上对于有关其残害动物的指控供认不讳,并且因向自己的宠物狗开枪而被判处180天监禁。Clark, 38, pleaded no contest to an animal cruelty charge and was sentenced to 180 days in jail for shooting his dog.

麦克·德夫林对绑架并囚禁密苏里男孩肖恩·霍恩贝克长达四年的指控供认不讳。Michael Devlin has pleaded guilty to kidnapping Shawn Hornbeck and holding the Missouri teen captive for more than four years.

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最终他被迫供认不讳,并面临判刑,感到他要无愧于心,其代价再昂贵也是。In the end he was driven to confess and face a prison sentence, feeling that to clear his conscience would be cheap at the price.

警方以1978年美国发出的一份逮捕令逮捕了他,当年他对与未成年人发生性关系的指控供认不讳后逃离加州。He was arrested on a U.S. warrant issued in 1978 when he fled California after pleading guilty to having had sex with an underage girl.

庭上,郑民生对在南平实验小学门口杀死8名学生的犯罪事实供认不讳。Zheng Minsheng, 41, admitted "intentionally killing" the children on March 23 at the gate of the Nanping Experimental Elementary School.

在审讯中,卢多对自己向别人提供情报的事实供认不讳,但他声称那时他并没有意识到卢克伍德是伏地魔的手下。At his trial, Ludo admitted passing the information, but claimed that he didn't realize that Rookwood was actually working for Voldemort.

总体来说,从某种角度上来说,微软是对他从你的电脑上收集数据是供认不讳的。Generally speaking, Microsoft is indeed transparent – up to a point – about how it will handle the data collected from your Vista machine.

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据警方突审,犯罪嫌疑人刘赘衡对制造长沙“7•30”爆炸案的犯罪事实供认不讳。According to the sudden check by the police. The suspect Liuzuiheng candidly confessed his crime on making the "7.30" bombings. At present.

尽管共同基金罪犯对诈骗供认不讳,对其个人诉讼却难于成功。It made it much harder for private lawsuits to succeed against mutual fund malefactors, even when they have admitted to lying and cheating.

肖恩·泰勒枪杀案的第四个嫌疑犯今天将面临审判,詹森·米切尔对他的罪行供认不讳。The fourth man charged for the murder of Sean Taylor faced to judge today. Jason Mitchell told the judge he understood the charges he faces.