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在下雪天滑雪。Go skiing on a snowy day.

他正在饮马。像好像在下雪。He is watering the horses.

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约会是肀在下周日。The date is on next Sunday.

这条河在下游3英里处岔流。The river forks 3 miles down.

在下愿为夫人效犬马之劳。Your graces are right welcome.

在下季,我仍会留在阿积士踢球。I will play at Ajax next season.

卿与在下均无法控制之。Nor thou nor I could control it.

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天阴沉沉的,但没在下雨。It was overcast, but not raining yet.

在下一个面板中,保留缺省值。On the next panel, keep the defaults.

在下雪天,穿鲜艳的衣服。In snowy weather, wear bright clothing.

第二天早晨他醒来时天在下著蒙蒙细雨。He awoke next morning to a fine drizzle.

液体在下部。So we have a liquid phase on the bottom.

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在下一个问题之前,我们先来讨论这个。Before we go any further, let's get this.

在协调世界时0830时在下一个报告点“D”处报告。Report at next way point "D" at 0830 UTC.

在下雪天,你应该穿一件厚厚的外套。You should wear a thick coat on the snowy days.

在下一部分您会学到关于这些的更多内容。You'll learn more about this in the next section.

在下水道里发现了大约有10只的鲶鱼。About 10 catfish were found swimming in the sewer.

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在下一个冬季,只有雨水能够使苞片张开。From the next winter, only rain can induce opening.

总统的演说排定在下礼拜五。The President's speech is scheduled on next Friday.

在下半场,他派了出色的左中卫上场。He started his ace left halfback on the second half.