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它是多租户的。It is multi-tenant.

租户放弃续租。If Lessee has signed a waiver.

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租户共享操作系统和服务器。Tenants share the operating system and servers.

香港科学园与首个主要租户签约。Hong Kong Science Park Signs First Anchor Tenant.

租户不付租金,对方可把他逐出租地。The lessee can be evicted for non-payment of rent.

相比之下,金融街8号却迎来了一个新租户。No. 8 Financial St., by contrast, has a new tenant.

其他人建议租户必须等待的更久。Others suggested renters might have to wait longer.

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虚拟的多租户组织结构树Virtualized multi-tenant organization structure tree

又分民租户二斛以为侯奉。China is divided into two tenants think Gok Feng Hou.

净租金—租户既付租金又付日常开销。Net Lease – Lessee pays rent and outgoings separately.

多租户环境中的资产隔离和共享Asset isolation and sharing in a multi-tenant environment

构建多租户数据库的要求包括The requirements for building a multi-tenant database are

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为业务服务注册租户组织和用户Enroll tenants organizations and users to business services

Stratos是多租户、自服务和弹性的。Stratos is multi-tenant, self-service, metered and elastic.

为什么要房东要求租户有承租人的保险?。Why Should Landlords Require Tenants to Have Renter's Insurance?

你想知道商业区租户的最新优惠活动吗?Do you want to know the promotion actions of our commerical tenants?

多租户组织结构设计和身份验证过程Multi-tenant Organization Structure Design and Authentication Process

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租户之间工件的共享和分隔都是可能的。Sharing and isolation of artifacts between tenants are both possible.

如果是租户,可以提供屋主的联系电话吗?。If you are the tenent, could you give me the contact number of the owner?

必须在每个租户的基础结构上单独地执行这些任务。These tasks have to be conducted separately on each tenant’s infrastructure.