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他经常巴结她。He often fawns on her.

他巴结富有的叔叔。He fawns on his rich uncle.

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奴才巴结主子。Underlings fawn on their bosses.

他老是巴结老板。He is always toadying to the boss.

我看见你巴结老板来着!I've seen you buttering up the boss!

我看见你巴结老板来着。I have seen you buttering up the boss !

杰克曲意巴结,赢得了她的欢心。Jack insinuated himself into her favour.

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我不明白为什么他要巴结我。I can't figure out why he is buttering me up.

远亲都来巴结这位有钱的老人。Many distant relatives fawned on the rich old man.

亨利巴结约翰,好参加俱乐部。Henry is cozying up to John so he can join the club.

我们不喜欢他,因为他老是巴结有钱人。We didn't like him, as he always fawned on the rich.

许多好谄媚的亲戚支巴结那个富有的老人。Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

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镇上有头有脸的人都会来巴结我!The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!

巴结你姐姐没用,她不会帮你的。It's no good making up to your sister,she won't help you.

他试着用钱巴结那个人,可是失败了。He tried to wriggle round the man with money,but he failed.

你巴结了你所有的信赖,他们都如流血般流掉了,拿走你所需要的。Kissing up and bleeding all your trust, taking what you need.

他主要靠巴结奉承主席才升到现在的职位。He has risen to where he is mainly by sucking up to the president.

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我不喜欢他,因为他爱巴结有权势的人。We didn't like him, as he fawned on anyone in an influential position.

公司还需要巴结本地当权者。Companies need to cultivate cordial relations with local potentates, too.

她总是巴结老师,但他们并没因为她的巴结而喜欢她。She is always sucking up to her teachers but they do not like her for it.