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华尔街优先获得甲流疫苗激起民愤。Flu shots for Wall Street stirs ire in NY.

然而,在国内的洪灾受害者中,民愤一直在郁积。At home, however, rage has been building among flood victims.

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汉考克的最近一次所谓的英勇行为,又一次激起了民愤。Hancock's latest act of so-called "heroics" has once again enraged city officials.

银行从业人员薪资引起民愤,说明现在正是追究白领败类的绝好时机。As the furore over bankers' pay demonstrates, this is a good time to be pursuing white-collar scoundrels.

一系列导致受害人死亡的、引人瞩目的绑架案已经在墨西哥激起了民愤。A series of high-profile kidnappings in which the victims were later found dead has sparked outrage in Mexico.

至少,为了防止激起民愤,会限制高管的薪酬吗?Will there at least be limits on executive compensation, to prevent more of the rip-offs that have enraged the public?

杨永强的民望升幅最大,显示民愤已因其宣布辞职而减退。Yeoh Eng-kiong registered the biggest increase, meaning that people's anger at him has subsided after he announced his resignation.

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去年,唐福珍在家人遭到暴打后自焚,诸如此类的反拆迁案例已经激起了民愤。Cases such as that of Tang Fuzhen, who died last year after setting fire to herself as an eviction crew beat her family, have caused outrage.

另一套是类似“人民民主”的制度,在这种制度下,政府煽起民愤,逼迫企业听命于政府法外的要求。The other is a kind of “people’s democracy” regime, in which government stirs up public anger to force businesses to comply with extra-legal government demands.

日本一家溜冰场将5,000条死鱼冻于溜冰场引起民愤,目前这家主题公园已经暂时关闭。An amusement park in western Japan sparkedan uproar after it displayed about 5,000 dead fish in the ice at a skating rink, forcing the park to close the attraction.

但是,根据对此类惩罚存在着无止境的“公众要求”以及不断涌现的民愤来看,这些死刑似乎并不够多。But, judging by the seemingly endless "public demand" for this kind of punishment and the surging popular anger, it would seem that there is actually not enough of it.

这场危机激起了民愤,不仅是因为这些化学品是被蓄意添加以提高蛋白质含量,更是因为那些奶粉厂家对这个事实的掩盖。The crisis caused public outrage because it is thought the chemical was added deliberately to allow substandard milk to pass nutrition tests and because of the cover-up.

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这些文件不仅揭示了塔利班猎杀者的存在和行动,同时也表明了这些特殊部队在阿富汗引起强烈民愤的原因。The documents don't just reveal the existence and activities of the Taliban hunters, they also show why these special units cause so much anger in the Afghan population.

随着中国人在一年一度的清明节期间祭祀先人,公墓及殡葬服务价格暴涨成为激起民愤的一个焦点问题。As millions paused to honor their ancestors during the annual Tomb-Sweeping Festival, the increasing cost of cemetery plots and funerals has become a focus of national anger.

并对民愤和社会形势能否作为酌定量刑情节这一争议已久的问题进行了探讨。Also, the writer discusses the long-disputing question that whether the public's indignation and social circumstance can be parts of discretionary circumstances of sentencing.

由于迹象表明骗子麦道夫激起了民愤,作为一种保护措施,在法庭上美国司法部的执法官们站在身着黑西装白衬衫的麦道夫身后。In a sign of the anger that the fraud has stirred, US marshals were positioned behind Madoff, who was dressed in a dark suit and white shirt, in court as a protective measure.

在一起动车撞车事故导致至少39人死亡和200多人受伤后,为化解民愤,中国撤免了三位高级铁路官员。China has sacked three senior railway officials in an effort to head off public anger following a high-speed rail crash that left at least 39 people dead and more than 200 injured.

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在发生一起动车撞车事故、导致至少39人死亡和200多人受伤后,为化解民愤,中国撤免了三位高级铁路官员。China has sacked three senior railway officials in an effort to head off public anger following a high-speed rail crash that left at least 39 people dead and more than 200 injured.

我至今还记得,2004年在安徽省阜阳市,因为服用劣质奶粉,有171名婴儿营养不良,当时也激起了民愤。I remember the public outrage when it was discovered that 171 infants had sufferedmalnutrition because of the ingestoin of inferior milk power in Fuyang City, Anhui Province in 2004.

与上述措施形成对比的是,在天价薪酬再现引起的民愤和政治反弹面前,最近各大金融企业都做了让步。Such moves are a contrast to concessions recently made by large financial firms in hopes of defusing public anger, and political retaliation, over the comeback of sky-high compensation.