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重贴现率是由联准会所订定。The discount rate is set by the Fed.

那我们怎样才能从贴现率得到价格呢So, how do we get the price from the discount rate?

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风险贴现率法是风险决策分析中常用的方法。Risk discount rate method is often used in risk decision analysis.

在时间中,美国政府实用的贴现率,无一定之规。In practice, the us government applies discount rates inconsistently.

贴现率是,美联储对会员银行贷款的所求比率。The discount rate is the rate that the Fed charges for loans to member banks.

一级贴现率通常,在联邦资金利率一百个基本点之上。The primary discount rate is typically a hundred basis points above the Funds Rate.

债券的价格就是这些现金流,以利率r为贴现率算出的贴现值The price is just the present value of that stream, discounted at the interest rate.

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美联储还设定了另一个利率,叫做贴现率。There's another interest rate that the Fed sets and that's called the discount rate.

尤其是在金融不稳定时期,贴现率能成为有用的工具。The discount rate can be a useful tool, especially at times of financial disruptions.

本文分析了矿业权价值评估中贴现率及贴现的实质。This paper analyzes the essence of discount rate and discount in mining right evaluation.

贴现率可以表示膨胀率或其他与其存在竞争的投资的利润率。The discount rate can either represent an inflation rate or the interest rate of a competing investment.

上调贴现率带动美元走强,因较高利率增加了美元计价资产的回报.The move triggered a rally in the greenback as higher rates increase the return on dollar-denominated assets.

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在2003年,他们决定改变这个现状,并且决定将贴现率提升到,联邦资金利率之上。In 2003 they decided to change that and they decided to raise the discount rate above the Federal Funds Rate.

为了缓解诸如意大利等国家的政府债券的压力,欧洲央行应降低贴现率。To relieve the pressure on the government bonds of countries such as Italy, the ECB would lower its discount rate.

货币政策一般是由各国中央银行来实施,货币政策手段主要有法定准备金率、贴现率和公开市场业务。Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation.

延迟风险是抵押贷款的风险因子之一,导致未来现金流和贴现率发生变化。Extension risk is one of the risk factors of amortizable loan which can lead to the future cash flow and discount change.

在传统的跨期决策模型中,人们的时间偏好通常被表达为常数贴现率。In traditional intertemporal-decision problems, individual's time preference is often formed as a constant discounting rate.

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贴现率是一个联邦可改变的政策,并且它比联邦资金利率通常,低五十个基本点。The discount rate was a policy variable set by the Fed and it was typically fifty basis points below the Federal Funds Rate.

在发达国家中,为了保住黄金储备,约有六个国家采取了提高再贴现率的人为措施。And a common artificial respirator of gold reserves among perhaps half-dozen leading countries is the raised rediscount rate.

在2003年他们开始想做的事3,是消除,贴现率仅仅是为了那些处于困境的银行而设立的。What they wanted to do starting in 2003 was to eliminate the idea that the discount rate is only for banks who are in trouble.