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但是现在,你的喜剧能够经久不衰。But now, your comedy can live on forever.

这在哲学上也是一个经久不衰的问题。And that's a perennial issue in philosophy.

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这条河经久不衰地为这个城市供水。The river supplies water to the city unfailingly.

约翰·济慈的颂诗诞生以来一直广为传颂,经久不衰。Keats's odes have been popular ever since their appearance.

这是影视业中最经久不衰的类型之一。It has been one of the most enduring genres in the business.

找到其吸引力能经久不衰的原因并不难。It is not difficult to find the reasons for their enduring appeal.

尽管有些高音,这首充满力量的民歌是经久不衰的金曲。Despite some high notes, this power ballad is a perennial favorite.

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让您的设计避免沿袭最新流行的商标设计潮流,而要看起来能够经久不衰。Avoid recent logo design trends. Instead, make the logo look timeless.

孔氏宗族作为一个完备家族的典型,历经千年,经久不衰。Confucius clan as a complete clan's model, after millennium, unfailing.

康德的物自体学说是康德研究中一个经久不衰的课题。Kant's theory of things in themselves is an unfailing question for study.

第三,放鞭炮也是我国习俗傍边经久不衰的一项传统。Third, set off firecrackers and the customs temporary enduring a tradition.

有了这样一种对反派角色的定义,那我们来看看屏幕上经久不衰的十大反派人物是谁?With that definition, who are the ten best to ever grace the cinema screen?

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“猫王”艾尔维斯是20世纪最经久不衰的流行文化偶像之一。Elvis is one of the most enduring popular culture icons of the 20th Century.

只有时间更够证明它是否能像芬奇以前成就的杰作那样经久不衰。Only time will tell if it endures as well as some of Fincher's previous efforts.

在刑法研究领域,共同犯罪永远是个经久不衰的话题。In the research of criminal law, the topic of joint crime is a controversial one.

但是正如南乔治亚的阳光总是和冰风暴接踵而至一般,罐装蓝鲸油也不会经久不衰。But just as sun follows sleet in South Geor­gia, so it is with the oil-tank blues.

音叉被敲击时,发生几乎纯质的声调,其音量经久不衰。When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitc.

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几个世纪以来,这种渴望使得黄金之城的故事经久不衰。Through the centuries, this passion gave rise to the enduring tale of a city of gold.

一个建筑杰作,宛如栩栩如生的诗篇,宁静恬适的乐章,或是经久不衰的画卷。A nice building is like a cubic poem, or a piece of silent music, or a solid painting.

经久不衰的尝试是喝热牛奶,其中同样含有色氨酸。The time-honored tradition, of course, is warm milk, also a good source of tryptophan.