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我能幸免于死吗Do I survive my death?

我能从死亡中幸免吗Will I survive my death?

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我们能幸免于死吗Do we survive our deaths?

我能幸免一死吗Might I survive my death?

各个年龄组无一幸免。No age groups are spared.

甚至犯罪案件也不能幸免。Even criminal cases are not immune.

巴基斯坦南部未能幸免The south of Pakistan wasn't spared.

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幸免这个词要怎么理解Well what does the word "Survive" Mean?

落在他手中的人必无幸免!Woe to the man who fell into his hands!

您的系统能幸免于那些问题吗?Can your systems survive those problems?

北美所有地区无一幸免地陷入衰退。All of North America is in recession now.

就算你在那个泡泡里,你也无法幸免。And even in the bubble you're not immune.

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这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。Only two passengers survived the air-crash.

它有可能幸免于死亡It could be something separate without surviving.

此时,我才意识到我的幸免遇难是个奇迹。By then I realised that my survival was a miracle.

通用的雪弗兰和卡迪拉克也因此幸免,走向中国。GM also has the Chevrolet and Cadillac sold there.

女婴也无法幸免,佛里曼医生宣称。Baby girls are also not immune, Dr. Freidman claims.

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但世人就是这么爱搬弄是非,无人幸免。But the world is so censorious no character escapes.

教区长的住宅烧毁,但教堂本身幸免。The rectory burned but the church itself was spared.

如果哪怕是有一个人把他翻过来,他都会幸免的。If anyone had turned him over he might have survived.