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一见如故,再见陌路。At first sight, goodbye stranger.

我们一见如故,成了好朋友。We hit it off and became good friends.

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虽然只是一面之缘,但他们一见如故。Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship.

难怪她获得胜利,因为她有令人一见如故的魅力。No wonder she wins, for she is all old-shoe charm.

我们认识的时间不长,不过却一见如故。We know time is not long, but just clicked immediately.

当凯伦遇见强纳生时,她马上感觉到一见如故。When Karen met Jonathan, she immediately felt a connection.

菲尔丁对这种一见如故的样子并不觉得奇怪。Fielding was not surprised at the rapidity of their intimacy.

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他们经人介绍认识后才几分钟,便一见如故地聊个没完。Within minutes of being introduced, they were chatting away like old friends.

柳梦梅与夜访的杜丽娘一见如故,展开一段人鬼情。Liu Mengmei is swept off his feet by the ghost of Du Liniang. A romance unfolds.

也许我们有缘,相逢某一天,一见如故无庸讳言。Perhaps we have the fortune, to meet one day. There's no need for any reticence.

有一个星期他不在,我在一个聚会上遇到了威尔,我们一见如故。One weekend when he was away, I met Will at a party and we completely hit it off.

一见如故,如同一见钟情,据说是唯一真理。——江节明译。Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight, is said to be the only truth.

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我要去拜访一下邻居,我们的两个孩子一见如故。I like to visit my neighbor because our two children get along like a house on fire.

一见如故并不意味着两人陷入爱情,至少现在还没有。To hit it off does not mean that you and the other person are in love. At least not yet!

她和爱德华一见如故,不久他们俩出发开始了一场越野探险。She hit it off with Edward and soon the two of them set out on a cross-country adventure.

真是太开心了,在瑞典的一天,能认识这样一位一见如故,浪漫热情的瑞典女作家。I am so happy that i can meet this kind and romantic writer during my one-day stay in Stockholm.

我给了卡丽一张椅子,坐在她旁边的是位夫人,她马上跟卡丽一见如故。I gave Carrie a chair, and seated by her was a lady who made herself at home with Carrie at once.

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在大院的公用电话处,她偶遇宋宇生,二人一见如故。But outside a public telephone stand, she met Song Yusheng, and the two hit it off and began dating.

田纳西与我一见如故,很快打得火热,火到有一次他的香烟差点把房子给烧了。Tennessee and I got on like a house on fire – and he nearly burnt the house down once with his cigarettes.

我丈夫跟我是在match.com上相遇的,而且我们一见如故,所以才有后来的故事。My husband and I met on and we are absolutely perfect for one another, so it can definitely work.