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我客气地问道。I inquired politely.

我这室友还真是客气啊。Courtesy of my room-mate.

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她只是客气。She's just being polite.

你这可不大客气呀。You are not being polite.

别客气,再见。You are welcome. Good-bye.

不客气的说,金钱万能。Bluntly stated, money talks.

他对人很客气。He is very polite to people.

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别客气,反正我也得去拿我的。I'll go out to get mine anyway.

你甭客气。Please don't stand on ceremony.

邮件都是简略和客气的。The emails are brief and polite.

别客气,石头,随时欢迎你。You're welcome, Stone, any time.

你太客气了,祝你今天愉快!You're welcome. Have a nice day!

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给了网队一个机会,而他们也不客气的“笑纳”了。Gave NJ a chance and they took it.

他对提问者不客气地回答。He flung his answers at questioners.

虎妞客气地试图溜走。Tigress politely tried to slip away.

“您好。”是客气的套语。"How do you do?" is a polite formula.

他以客气的言词回答。His reply was couched in polite terms.

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这种不客气的话真不该讲。Such unkind remark was not called for.

“你自己动手,”亚瑟不客气地说。"Do it yourself" said arthur unkindly.

你知道,他们对我也并不客气。They are grossing me out too, you know.