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把沙包扔回来给我。Throw it back to me.

沙包也可以用来释放压力!It's also good for relieving stress!

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那么我们需要垒叠多高的沙包防洪呢?So how high would we have to pile the sandbags?

那是戈多,正着迷于他的沙包。That was Gordo, obsessing about his hacky-sack.

学生们穿着T恤和短裤在玩沙包。Students played hackeysack in T-shirts and shorts.

在宁夏同心县,孩子们在踢沙包。Children kicked sandbag, Tongxin County, Ningxia, China.

英军沙包现在能被轻型车辆正常碾压。British Sandbags can be crushed normally by light crush vehicles.

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我拿起枪拼命地射了起来,自己的身子却躲在了沙包后面。I tried shooting the gun, and his body was hiding behind the sandbags.

交叉路口检查站的沙包上架着机枪,粗大的枪管往外瞄着。At crossroad checkpoints the fat barrels of machine guns peek over sandbags.

他们尝试用沙包来阻挡淹水可是却没效。They attempted to use sand package to barricade the floods, but was useless.

没人挖个散兵坑,或是垒些沙包以防不可避免的袭击。No one had dug trenches or piled up sandbags to protect against the inevitable onslaught.

在熟练掌握踢沙包的基础上,让学生改换颠手球。On the base that plays sanded bag in adroitness control, let a student change bump handball.

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另外一些孩子选择在一个充满泡沫球和挂有沙包的软垫病室来发泄他们压抑的情绪。Other kids express pent-up feelings in padded rooms equipped with foam balls and punching bags.

不要让国家的候选人沙包,你到竞选活动中的一国,你知道你已上锁。Don't let state candidates sandbag you into campaigning in a state that you know you have locked up.

一个由聚丙烯和铝材料建造的六边形房屋和一个由沙包建造的圆顶小屋靠在一起。A six-sided poly-propylene and aluminum house is adjacent to a dome-shaped igloo made of r4i sandbags.

中国电视台播出了军方动用直升机转移灾民和解放军用沙包加固堤坝的镜头。Chinese television showed army helicopters airlifting people and soldiers reinforcing dykes with sandbags.

上一年,洛厄里每天晚上花3个小时举重,打沙包,和影子打拳。Lowery spent three hours a night each day of the last year lifting weights, hitting the bags and shadow-boxing.

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他们把所有的东西都收集起来,连空瓶、沙包都不放过,通通带走,但是他们却把这个留下作为纪念。They gathered everything, even empty bottles, sandbags and took it with them. But they left this as a souvenir.

本品是集不倒翁沙包及速度球和永春木人桩于一体的多功能木人桩。This product is a multi-purpose wooden dummy integrating tumbler sandbag, speed ball and Wing Chun wooden dummy.

同时在沙包及堤坝的配合下,法戈市等城市避免了严重洪水的侵袭。That, combined with sandbags and dikes, spared the metropolitan area of Fargo, North Dakota, from serious flooding.