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第一,一定要有预习。First, we must have preview.

我确信你们已经预习了这一课。I'm sure you have previewed it.

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他正在预习功课。He is preparing for his lessons.

预习我们的第一个单字小测。Prepare for our first vocab quiz.

你们预习新课了吗?Have you previewed the new lessons?

我想你们都预习了课文。I think you've all previewed the text.

每天的生词你预习了吗?Have you previewed the daily new words?

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你最好在课前预习好课文。You'd better preview the text before class.

第二,课前预习每个单元。Second, preview every unit before the lesson.

课前,他从来没有不预习功课的。He never fails to review his lessons before class.

首先,我要在课前做好预习。Firstly I will prepare for my lessons before class.

让我们先来预习我们今天要讨论的内容。Let's preview what we are going to talk about today.

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学生在实验前应认真预习实验指导。The students should pre-study the experiment guides.

教师的作业包括预习第5单元。The teacher's assignment includes previewing Unit 5.

我们明天讲新课,请大家预习一下。We'll have a new lesson next time. please review it.

这就像是一个在预习将要有个宝宝时的礼物。And it can be the gift from the baby even in prepping.

如果这是我们一定要的课程,我希望,可以给预习的机会。But you'll never know when it is the time for being-ready.

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康康说他课前预习当天的课程。Kangkang said that he previewed the day's lesson before class.

来上课前,你必须要先预习投影片内容。You should plan to review these slides before coming to class.

首先,我们就这篇课文课堂预习一会儿。First of all, let's preview the text in class for some minutes.