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我身处阳光,却沉溺黑暗。The dark in the sunshine.

沉溺在你的世界,义无反顾。Incurably addicted to your world.

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他与她沉溺情海,爱得晕头转向。He is head over-heels in love with her.

极度沉溺——我想要看更多。Highly Addictive -I want to watch more.

泪水已令我尽陷沉溺。It feels like I'm drowning in salty water.

沉溺在一件事里很容易。It’s very easy to get wrapped up in things.

沉溺在深思中,我没听到电话声。Lost in deep thought, I didn't hear the phone.

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那个男孩与莎莉沉溺情海,爱得晕头转向。The boy fell head over heels in love with Shary.

有些人或许会认为这种自我探究未免有点自我沉溺。Some may find this self-exploration a little indulgent.

我不想活在沼泽中慢慢沉溺慢慢死去。I. I don't want to live in the swamp slowly dies slowly.

你可以说,人类因此是沉溺在死亡之中的。One could say that humans are addicted to death as a result.

他们过分沉溺在电玩中,可能需要专业人士帮助才能脱瘾。Their overuse of video games might require professional help.

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我们不再沉溺在梦想中,开始计划这次旅行。We stopped dreaming about the journey, and started planning it.

珂赛特,这个可爱的生命,是沉溺者得救的木筏。Cosette, that charming existence, was the raft of this shipwreck.

但倘若过分沉溺其中,那他必将走向毁灭“But if one pursues it further than one should, it is absolute ruin."

残暴,贪婪,毫无修养,沉溺美色。He's tyrannical, he's rapacious, he's undisciplined, he's over-sexed.

对付抑郁最快速的方法就是放弃沉溺在自怜中。The fastest way to defeat depression is to quit drowning in self-pity.

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我念旧,我沉溺过去,怀念以前的一切美好。I forget the past, I indulged in the past, all the good memory of the past.

沉到漩涡之中是指沉溺在五种感官欲乐中。Sinking into a whirlpool means indulgence in five kinds of sensual pleasures.

诸多原因导致差空气,但亚利桑那沉溺火是最为主要的原因。There were several causes, but Arizona’s Wallow Fire was a major contributor.