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接下来的必需品是食物。Food was the next essential.

他甚至必需品也要俭省。He even pinches on necessities.

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我必须买些卫生间必需品。I must buy some toilet requisites.

对Polly,衣服是生活的必需品。To Polly, clothes are basic necessities.

“他们需要的必需品,”波夫说。"They need the necessities, " said Poff.

大多数生活的便利与其说是必需品,不如说是奢侈品罢了。Most conveniences are luxuries, not necessities.

导线是现代世界一个丑陋的必需品。Wires are an ugly necessity of the modern world.

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面包和奶油两者都是生活的必需品。Both bread and butter are the necessaries of life.

玉米是必需品,银子只是多余的。Corn is a necessary, silver is only a superfluity.

在急救包中准备一些其他必需品。Keep other must haves in your first aid kit as well.

犹大输送一切必需品,接济被围困的人。Now Judas sent necessaries to them that were within.

此店经售各种日用必需品。This shop sells a wide variety of daily necessities.

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这个交响曲是莫扎特爱好者的必需品。This symphony is a must have for thosewho love Mozart.

衣、食、住是生活的必需品。Food, clothing and shelter are the necessaries of life.

灵魂所需的必需品,金钱连一件也买不着。Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul.

他们的回答将会是基本的必需品匮乏。” their answers would be scarcity of basic necessities.

根据要求准备所有的必需品。To prepare all necessary accompaniments to go with order.

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本店为你提供一切必需品。This shop offers you with full range of basic necessities.

电话是现代生活中让人最反感的必需品之一。The telephone is one of the great tyrannies of modern life.

食物、衣服和住所是生活的必需品。Food,clothes and accommodation are all necessary for living.