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他将会是一个极好的援兵。He'd be a great addition to either squad.

他们要把援兵开赴前线,必须走这条公路。That is the only road on which they can bring up reinforcements.

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司令员派出部队阻遏敌人的援兵。The commander sent out troops to stop the enemy's backup troops.

他吸入了一些毒气,直到援兵赶到时还昏迷不醒。He had inhaled some of it, and lost consciousness even as help arrived.

战士们设法牵制住敌人,等待援兵到来。The soldiers tried to keep the attacking enemy in check until help came.

不用你管,要熟还早着呢,我的援兵就快到了。Need not your tube, cooked it's still early, my help is fast approaching.

敌人援兵到达时,将军胜利的希望破灭了。The general's hopes of victory were dashed when enemy reinforcements arrived.

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中午,缪拉派他的副官到拿破仑那儿请求援兵。In the middle of the day Murat sent his adjutant to Napoleon with a request for reinforcements.

由于游击战的牵制,侵略者无法输送给养或援兵。The aggressors could not get supplies or reinforcements through because of the guerrilla warfare.

2010年,我们引入了许多援兵,我们得以改变了战略环境。We have brought in huge reinforcements in 2010, and we're able to change the strategic environment.

他不仅召集了自己的家人作为援兵,还带来了一个学生乐队。Not only has he summoned his family to the rescue, he has also recruited a small band of music students.

KBS的问题,在于即使民众想帮助他们厘清事情,他们也只是痴痴等待援兵。The problem of KBS was when citizens tried to help them with candles, they just waited until they could get the help.

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泰兰德也感到她需要援兵,于是,她前去唤醒沉睡了千年的德鲁伊们。Tyrande realized that she needed help, so she set out to awaken the night elf druids from their thousand-year slumber.

不过,援兵可能很快到来。美联邦政府的专家说,他们正研究一种很小的寄生虫并取得了进展。这种寄生虫能杀死蝗虫。However, help may be on the way. Federal experts say they are making progress with a tiny parasite that Can kill grasshoppers.

本月初,布隆迪已经派遣了1,000人的部队。剩余的援兵预期将在今年年底到达。A battalion of about 1,000 Burundian troops was deployed earlier this month and the rest of the reinforcements are expected later this year.

活生生的各种鱼类,如海笛鲷和援兵彩色游泳学校在该地区以及马里鳗鱼,一个水下螃蟹,龙虾,鳗鱼和鳗鱼种类。Schools of various vibrantly colored fish such as damsels and sea breams swim in the area as well as moray eels, a variety of underwater crabs, lobster and conger eels.

假如骚扰部队跟着游戏玩家你的矿车攻进来,在援兵到来前,试着让游戏玩家你的矿车倒退着绕着建筑物行进,以避免受到更大的伤害。If the harassment force follows your harvesters in, try to dance them around buildings using reverse move to try and avoid taking a few hits before reinforcements arrive.

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虽然苏军开始警惕的军的意图,但是他们并没有立即派援兵来完成对匈牙利首都北部的包围圈。With the Soviets now alerted to the German intentions, though, it was not long before they moved reinforcements up to close off the northern route into the Hungarian capital.

驻阿富汗的美军将领一直催促在春末或夏初前将援兵派到位,以帮助平息这个国家日益增长的暴力和混乱。American generals in Afghanistan had been pressing for additional forces to be in place by late spring or early summer to help counter growing violence and chaos in the country.