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它影响了我。It affected me.

它会相互影响。It's interacted.

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它只影响人类。It only affects humans.

不,你们没受什么影响No, sounds okay to you.

我如何能消除这些影响呢?How canI get rid of them?

它的影响可能是巨大的。Its impact could be huge.

道教对庾信的影响。Taoism's impact on Yuxin.

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预张力的影响。The effect of pretension.

非石油贸易方面又会有什么影响?What about non-oil trade?

“十二宫图”会影响我们吗?Does the zodiac affect us?

它并不会影响人类。It does not affect humans.

从少影响的一天开始戒。Start on a low-impact day.

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这是一种相互影响。It's an interaction effect.

使其在他们思想上产生影响。Let it work in their minds.

有什么影响What's being affected here?

风格形式会影响本旨吗?Does style affect substance?

花也感受到了影响。Flowers feel the effect too.

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你将如何避免影响?How can you avoid infection?

它也可以影响眼睛是雪亮的。It can also affect the eyes.

受其影响,海南岛中东部受到暴风雨袭击,至今尚无伤亡报道。No casualties were reported.