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马嵬坡的幽魂,可还记得来时路?Maweipo the ghost, still remember to go when the road?

女儿走了,留下我独自一人和幽魂们在一起。Then my daughter was gone and I was alone with ghosts.

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革命的幽魂今天仍在影响许多人的心态。The ghost of the revolution still affects many people's mind today.

火焰在摇曳。我感到远古的幽魂对你保持着警惕。The flame flickers . I sense the spirits from the past are wary of you.

倩女幽魂电影他运用关联替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。He pulled some strings and manunwanted to get us front row seats for the concert.

奥巴马在亚洲八天的巡访后,心中有个幽魂在飘荡无误。THE spectre looming over Barack Obama's eight-day swing through Asia was unmistakable.

有些照顾通过指挥灵魂——一般称为血亲幽魂,去看护他们的孩子。Some do so by commanding spirits, commonly called Kin- Fetches , to watch over their children.

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南海大雾,烟雨朦胧,一条幽魂般的渔船沉浮在一片汪洋之中。South China sea fog, YanYu hazy, a haunter of fishing boats in the vast ocean of ups and downs.

那些新鲜的幽魂,在他们前往审判前,将从冥河的沼泽进入失落灵魂之城。The fresh shade, on the path to judgment, steps out of the marshes of the Styx into the City of Lost Souls.

下班后亚修拉带着鲜花去见老婆,到了老婆的住处幽魂奶奶分开亚修拉。After work and seurat bring flowers to see wife, came to the wife place haunter separate and seurat grandma.

你把自己的幸福拱手相让,新倩女幽魂往追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。You're throwing away happiness with the hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.

结果就是变成幽魂——作为对于过往因果的纪念。The result was a haunting – a remembrance of what was done, and what the consequences of such action would be.

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可是神秘的幽魂奶奶再次呈现,附在亚修拉身上,使亚修拉举止异常。But the mysterious haunter grandma in the present, again with the body, make the pull seurat abnormal behavior.

闪电幽魂-剃刀,是永劫之墟中最有代表性的可怕力量。Among the emblematic powers that populate the Underscape, Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the most feared.

这些来自灵界的幽魂,有时也会给人劝诫和警告,它们也会真的应验。The pretended visitants from the world of spirits sometimes utter cautions and warnings which prove to be correct.

没有春暖花开值得裸婚流泪,值得让谷歌这么做倩女幽魂诺基亚不会让谷歌哭泣。No man excellent or woman excellent is worth your tears. an excellentd therefore the one who is. won't make you cry.

攻击能量将部分影响伏击、背刺、幽魂击、回刺的武器伤害乘数。Ambush, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Riposte now properly increase the attack power contribution by the percent modifier.

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在古代的希腊,人们相信他们死去后将会变成幽魂,或者灵魂,然后开始前往地域的旅程。In ancient Greece the people believed that when they died they would become shades, or spirits , and then make the journey to Hades.

在幽魂之地的北方有个小岛,叫苦难之岛,是我们用来磨练技艺的地方。There is an island in the northeastern reaches of the Ghostlands, called the Isle of Tribulations, that we use to hone these skills.

很简单的,暗夜幽魂成为了城市的执政官。拼命而又贪婪的攫取同类的知识。And so Night Haunter became the first monarch of Nostramo Quintus , absorbing accumulated knowledge with diligence almost akin to greed.