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没人敢说真话。Nobody dares speak the truth.

有疑问时,就说真话吧。When in doubt, tell the truth.

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孩子和傻子都说真话。Childern and fools speak the truth.

所以我觉得我没法跟你说真话。So I felt like I had to lie to you.

你到底为啥子不跟我说真话?Why on earth didn't you tell me the uth?

如果这是真话,每个人都会很富有。If that were true, everyone would be rich.

她说的是真话还是全属虚构?Is she telling the truth, or making it up?

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“没有一句真话,”马弗尔断然说道。"Not a word of it, " said Marvel , stoutly.

你们想听真话还是漂亮话?You guys want the truth or something clever?

不要脚踏两船,要永远说真话。Don't go the shortcut, always tell the truth.

她说的是真话还是全属虚构?Is she telling the truth, or making it all up?

说花的量词真话她们中很多人我都见过。To tell you the truth, I have seen lots of them.

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我们得出结论,她讲得是真话。We come to the conclusion that she told the truth.

谎话说一千遍,就变成真话。Telling a lie a thousand times makes the lie a truth.

一个常说谎的人﹐当他说真话时﹐也不值相信。A liar is not believed even though he tells the truth.

真话!蛙在晚上叫,鸟在白天鸣,还有蟋蟀、蝉都是大喇叭。中大人多,动物更多。We know that frog shouts louder than birds do at night.

我们得出的结论,她讲的是真话。We come to the conclusion that sha was telling the ture.

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她从来不说真话,我认为她非常不诚实。She never tells the truth. I think she's quite dishonest.

我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.

你根本就没没告诉我真话,我把眼泪都哭干了。You didn't tell me the whole truth. I cried my tears dry.