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细部花纹,是粉红和白色混织的唷!Close-up, a mix of pink and white!

请用眼睛检查,做细部的调整。Please check by eye to make fine correction.

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这在建筑细部的绘制曙光。This precise drawing glimmers in the architectural detail.

在细部的衬托下,每张相片都被付予了意义。As with detail, many meanings can be seen in every photograph.

她每一个微小的纹理和细部都塑造得优美绝伦。She was exquisitely fashioned in very small texture and detail.

标准型接腰位置在身体的最细部位。Standard meet waist position in the thinnest parts of the body.

将细部构图在相片的中心点,接着再试试边缘。Frame the detail in the center of the photo, and then on the edge.

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建筑标志设计是一种细部设计,它不仅是建筑的细部,也是城市的细部。Signage design is not only an architectural detail, but also an urban detail.

本文第一章阐明了建筑细部的概念及其内涵和外延。In chapter one, the concept, intension and extension of the details are put out.

这件礼服复杂华丽的细部处理成为服装秀里面最吸引人注意的单品。The elaborate detail on this gown made it the most eye-catching item of the show.

另外我在模型的表面加上一些细部和一点刻线作装饰。I also scribed some panel lines and put some accessories on the surface of the model.

在这个时候,我确定我没有把奥色治逐渐变细部分做的足够薄。At this point, I came to the realization that I had not tapered the osage thin enough.

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作品不但要求整体活泼完备,更必要细部耐看有神。It requires that the works is not only lively in whole, but as well as vivid in detail.

要反映巨大的社会历史内容,必须撷取社会历史的细部。Need to reflect gigantic society history content, must pick to take society history detail.

本文结合“万富大厦”的设计构思分析建筑细部的推敲设计。The article analyzes the design of the building details in relation with its design concept.

为此,本文详细介绍了整体节点钢桁梁的设计和其细部处理方法。This paper gives a description on design of steel truss with integral gusset and its details.

同一首乐曲在结构与细部分析上,也会出现“曲无定式”现象。For a certain work there were different opinions to analyzing its structure as well as details.

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三涵管管身的细部构造有哪些?各有什么作用?Three of the play he slipped end-over-end detail structure? What are those? Each have a function?

形式上看起来有些弱----没什么“动机”,没有明显的动作,没有细部情节。It looks a little feeble in this form----few 'motivations', little apparent action and no sub-plot.

按照计画,首先要著手进行整个城市铺轨的细部设计。As part of the plan, they had to begin with the engineering design for the tracks throughout the city.