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有一部关于它的武戏。Well, there's a combat play about it.

在武戏中演员们用枪打吗?Do the actors fight with guns in military plays?

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以下这些武戏拍摄设备,是我团队中的一部分照片。The following repertoire shooting equipment, is part of my team photo.

一段武戏中,先下场的演员就是被打败了。During a scene of combat, the man who exits first is considered defeated.

涉及到武戏场次中的文戏我也来帮忙导。Repertoire relates to screening in the text of play I have to help guide.

感情的戏就是一场不能找替身的武戏、太难太危险。The feelings of the play is a game can't find the avatars of fighting, hard too dangerous.

另外,京剧可粗略地分为武戏和文戏。Moreover, Beijing Opera can be roughly divided into the military plays and the singing plays.

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在现代武戏中用枪打,但在老戏中用予和剑打。In some modern military plays they fight with guns, but in old plays they fight with spears and swords.

由于武戏需要跟动作,所以我就自己来亲自上阵提机器拍摄了。As the play needs and movements of weapons, so I put the machine into battle themselves personally shot.

至今传统布袋戏,仍以武戏、历史演义为主的小说戏码为主流。So far the traditional puppet shows are still military drama, historical fiction novel based drama in the mainstream.

因此他十分珍惜这一难得的机会,拍摄中从文戏到武戏,每个动作、每场戏都一丝不苟。He treasure this rare opportunity, shooting from the text to the operatic drama, every movement, every show is meticulous.

在戏园里,我坐在你旁边,看台上的武戏,你还详细地给我解释剧中情节。In the theater, I sat beside you, watching the fighting scenes of the opera. You explained its plots to me in great detail.

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在戏园里,我坐在你旁边,看台上的武戏,你还详细地给我解释剧中情节。While I sat beside you inside a theater watching the fighting scenes of a Peking opera, you explained its story to me in great detail.

京剧分有文戏和武戏,前者以唱为主,后者以动作和特技为主。Peking Opera can be divided into "civil" pieces, which are characterized by singing, and "martial" ones, which feature acrobatics and stunts.

在戏园里,我坐在你旁边,看台上的武戏,你还详细地给我解释剧中情节。In the theatre, I watched the martial play on the stage with you while sitting by your side, you were explained to me the details of the plots from the play.

武戏着重刻画英雄人物,角色多为忠心耿耿的武将,名声显赫的帝王和足智多谋的文臣,所有这些角色在剧中与叛臣逆贼作斗争。Military plays are heroic in nature, full of loyal generals, glorious emperors, and wise government officials, all of whom struggle against traitorous opposing forces.