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选择单个生命线。Select a single lifeline.

选择多个生命线。Select multiple lifelines.

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单个生命线重新排序操作Single lifeline reorder operation

质量是期刊的生命线。Qulity is the lifeblood of periodicals.

金税工程布下增值税“生命线”。Golden tax project "lifeline" hooks VAT.

生命线,爱情线,金星和火星的山丘。The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.

生命线也会出现相同的问题。A similar problem would occur with lifelines.

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她的生命线是绿色的海洋草木,森林。Her Life Line is a green ocean-plant, forest.

因此,谁又是你能信任的、来找到通往真理的生命线呢?So who CAN you trust for a lifeline to truth?

贸易是大多数现代国家的生命线。Trade is the lifeblood of most modern states.

在危难之际,这些联系成为了生命线。In times of crisis, those ties become lifelines.

信誉是消费界的生命线。Credit is the life-blood of the consumer society.

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这里注意一点,生命线名称带下划线。Note that, here, the lifeline name is underlined.

安全是铁路运输的生命线。Safety is the life-line of railway transportation.

教育质量是高等教育的生命线。Teaching quality is the life of colledge education.

这些消息被添加到此生命线的底部。The messages are added to the bottom of the lifeline.

政治工作是一切经济工作的生命线。Political work is the life-blood of all economic work.

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服务质量是礼仪公司经营的生命线。Service quality is the lifeline of business etiquette.

接下来,点击这个图框并将它拖拽到生命线。Next, click the diagram frame and drag it to the lifeline.

公证质量是公证工作的生命线。The quality of notarization is the lifeline of notary work.