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叶紫葳回家跟父母大干一场!Assists with parents gets a Veda home game!

而徐嘉惠对叶紫葳终于选择了马翔很诧异。And XuJiaHui assists chose to Veda MaXiang very surprised.

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马翔跟叶紫葳好的事情,也很刺激着郝京妮。MaXiang Veda with good things and also assists the ni hao is very exciting.

叶紫葳说,本人跟马翔在一同和跟你在一同是完整不同的觉得。Assists with MaXiang Veda said, I with you together and together is complete different feel.

阿玉抚慰女儿,但是也不主张紫葳继续追徐嘉惠,没有必要了。Soothing daughter, but she also does not advocate purple XuJiaHui Veda, there is no need to keep on going.

可是,有一个人常常不速之客到家里,让郝京妮很不舒适,她就是叶紫葳。However, there are often a man uninvited guests to home, let hao Beijing ni very uncomfortable, she is Veda assists.

上海,杨曼莉跟叶紫葳的母亲阿玉哭诉,打比如婚姻好比两个蟋蟀的斗争。Shanghai, with YangManLi assists in lieu of mother crying, Veda crickets play such as marriage is like two struggles.

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杨曼莉在叶紫葳的家里,跟阿玉谈心,由于阿玉通知杨曼莉,叶紫葳很可能在外面找了个人。In the home YangManLi assists with Veda, due to talk, she YangManLi Veda assists in lieu notice, probably in outside seeking personal.

比勒陀利亚风光秀美,有”花园城”之称,街道两旁种植紫葳,又称”紫葳城”。Pretoria beautiful scenery, "Garden City" said Bignoniaceae planted on both sides of the street, also known as the "city of Bignoniaceae.

叶紫葳的爸爸叶城是上海的文化名人,他们也是动用关系协助杨曼莉调儿媳妇,叶紫葳大为不满!Assists the dad phosphatide Veda is Shanghai's culture celebrities, they also use relationship YangManLi record daughter-in-law, assists to assist Veda was discontent!