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他们在逃出生天的过程中还撬开了10道狱门。They opened 10 doors on the way out.

最终在逃跑的过程中,杨柳中枪身亡,小凤又被逮了回来。Finally in the process of escape, willow was shot dead, was back.

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在逃去飞的日子里在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?What can i do in the busting world, with my days flying in their escape?

在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什麽呢?What can I do, in this bustling earth, with my days flying in their escape?

在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?What can I do, in this bustling world, with my days flying in their escape?

他说,这名在逃的极端分子教士不断改变他的藏身地。He says the extremist cleric is on the run and keeps changing his locations.

在逃去如飞的生活里,在千门万户的全地球里的我能做些什么呢?What can I do, in that bustling state, dawn my days flewing in their escape?

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政府已经将超过320,000的外国人认定为在逃移民。The government has categorized more than 320, 000 foreigners as alien absconders.

奥尔塔总统返国之后呼吁在逃叛军自首,面对审判。After his return, Mr. Ramos-Horta urged the remaining rebels to turn themselves in to face trial.

安灼拉在逃入酒店的人中没有见到马吕斯时,也有同样的想法。Enjolras, not seeing Marius among those who had taken refuge in the wine-shop, had the same idea.

在逃没有到案的同谋则被判处终身苦役。Hard labor for life had been the sentence pronounced against the escaped and contumacious accomplices.

在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我,能做些什麽呢?In the days that flee as if on the wing, what can I do among the thousands, the millions of this word?

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我们被困住,就像偷渡者在逃跑的火车上,必须去往问题将发生的地方。We become stuck, like stowaways on a runaway train, obliged to go where a problem seems to be taking us.

时时刻刻在逃命,他们没有时间收割庄稼,于是大多数时候靠吃虫子和树根为生。Always on the run, they have no time to harvest rice, so they survive largely by eating bugs and tree roots.

在巴勒莫附近的一间房子里,警察抓住了在逃的西西里黑手党最大的头头萨尔瓦托雷·洛皮科洛。At a house near Palermo, police seized Salvatore Lo Piccolo, the most senior Sicilian Mafia boss still at large.

应在附带民事诉讼当事人的范围、举证时限、赔偿范围的确定和同案犯在逃的附带民事诉讼问题上加以完善。We should resolve the problems in the range of the parties, the time to prove, the compensation of damages and so on.

姆拉迪奇,欧洲的头号通缉战争逃犯,在逃16年之后在一个北方的塞尔维亚乡村被捕。Mladic, Europe's most wanted war crimes fugitive, is arrested in a northern Serbian village after 16 years on the run.

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有一年,刑警队抓住一个在逃几年的杀人犯,为了抓他,兄弟们征程不下数千里。One year, the police team capture an escaped murderer to catch a few years, his brothers journey, not thousands of miles.

在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了。What can I do in the world of innumerable households, with the days flying in the escape? Nothing but to linger and to rush.

狱长提醒他,一个在逃的杀人犯对社会造成的损害比起他们的仕途更加重要。He reminds Bellick that they have a killer on the loose and that there are some things that are more important than a career.