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撒网捕风,徒劳无益。Catch the wind with a net.

撒网捕风,徒劳无功。The wind cannot be caught in net.

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撒网捕风徒劳无功。The wind cannot be caught in a net.

一次我撒网捕到了国王的女儿。Once in my net I snared the daughter of a King.

渔夫撒网捕上一条浆鱼。The fisherman cast the net and caught an oarfish.

我们又顺流撒网,共捕到15条鲑鱼。We drifted again and made up the number of 15 salmon.

假如在一个湖上撒网捕鱼。Suppose a net has been cast into a lake to catch fish.

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他们不知如何游泳,他们不知如何撒网。They know not how to swim, They know not how to cast nets.

泡妞就像钓鱼,要全面撒网,重点培养。Girls like fishing, should be comprehensive, focus on training.

他们不寻找宝藏,他们不知该如何撒网。They seek not for hidden treasures, They know not how to cast nets.

他们在那里撒网捕鱼或驾机动船出海。From there they cast nets into the surf or motor farther out to sea.

不。打棒球去吧。我划船还行,罗赫略会给我撒网的。No. Go and play baseball. I can still row and Rogelio will throw the net.

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在印度新德里的亚穆纳河,渔民正在污染的河水中撒网。A fisherman casts a net in the polluted waters of river Yamuna in New Delhi, India.

集中在少数几个网站进行营销推广比到处撒网要好。It is better to be extensive in fewer social networks than to spread yourself thin.

在病毒泛滥的网站上漫天撒网,搜索电视节目,对他们而言,似乎太费劲了。Trawling virus-addled websites in search of programmes seems too much like hard work.

这次彼得和他的兄弟安得烈在加利利湖撒网捕鱼。This time Peter and his brother Andrew were working by casting a net into the lake. Fishing.

他总是关注自己的交易,但有时会去撒网捕鱼。He always focused on his trading, but he also cast a wider net and caught other kinds of fish.

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他是个了不起的男人,他身强力壮不仅能够撒网捕鱼而且也能够在打渔时与风浪拼搏。He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch.

蜘蛛侠奋力朝着两边的大楼撒网,还用自己的身躯顶在火车头前想要让它减速并且停下来。Webbing onto nearby buildings and using himself, at the head of the train, to slow it and stop it.

有天,猴子看到一个渔夫在河上撒网,他观察渔夫怎样捕鱼。One day, the monkey saw fishermen throw a net over the river. He watched how the fishermen caught fish.