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这些天涯的朋友使世界变得如此广袤,是他们织成了地球的经纬。Those who build up your broad world are your various range of friends.

本剧以春夏秋冬四季为经纬线索。This drama is classics woof to all alone with the four seasons of Chun Xiaqiu winter.

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对不同经纬密度涤棉织物的吸湿特性进行了研究。The moisture absorption properties of fabrics with different pick counts were studied.

公司发展经纬●本企业成立于2000年,位于大连开发区。Company Development History●Established in 2000, Dalian ShengDa Precision Machinery Co.

经纬纺织机械股份有限公司是棉纺织业务的核心企业。Jingwei Textile Machinery Co. , Ltd. is the core enterprise of the cotton textile business.

在封闭的城池里,有四条大街、八条小街及七十二条小巷经纬交织在一起。In the closed city, four avenues, eight side streets and seventy-two lanes interweave with one another.

⊙、养浩然正气,成经纬之才,我们用勤奋、用智慧书写我们的壮丽人生。To keep integrity, latitude and longitude into, we use the diligence, write our splendid life with wisdom.

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提出了经纬股份公司榆次分公司企业网络系统VPN技术方案。At last it puts forward VPN technology scheme of enterprise network system for Jinwei Textile Machinery Co.

全棉织物经免烫整理后,其经纬向断裂强力明显下降。The breaking strength of cotton fabric will drop evidently both in warp and weft after anti crease finishing.

我们是互相交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝相扣。We are each other 's latitude and longitude, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending silk buckles.

眼看问题经纬万端,进退两难、入困境,死路一条,盘根错节的命定可能性,但找不到明显的出路。I see conundrums, dilemmas, quandaries, impasses, gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out.

我们是相互交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝入扣。We are mutually staggered Jingwei, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending all threads neatly tied up.

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准确检测坡度,坡度标桩,底座,地基,耗时少于架设激光水准仪或经纬水准仪。Accurately check grades, grade stakes, footers, and foundations in less time than it takes to set up lasers or transits.

小露西的三个生日的金丝又织进了她家庭生活的平静的经纬里。Three more birthdays of little Lucie had been woven by the golden thread into the peaceful tissue of the life of her home.

玻璃钢拉伸强度主要取决于玻璃布经纬向的玻璃纤维和基体树脂的性能以及两者之间的组合状态。GRP tensile strength mainly depends on warp and weft fibers in woven cloth, property of matrix resins and their combination.

本文主要研究了在不同染整工序、不同松弛条件、不同经纬密度条件下,毛纱落水松弛缩率与织物染整缩率的关系。The extent of fabric finishing shrinkage that could be affected by the percent- age of yarn relaxation shrinkage was examined.

第二种检索技术提取经纬方向平均半径分布作为特征向量,相似度计算使用L_1距离,直接检索特征数据库。Second method only use longitude-latitude orientation average radius distribution feature, L1 distance function and indirect searching database.

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对经纬纺机清梳联产品市场细分,目标选择,清梳联产品销售用高中低三个档次的设备面向国内各个层面的客户。After fractionizingmarket and target customer, the products divided to 3 different types to meet the requirement from different level of customers.

对于沿纤维束方向的压缩,在经纬向纤维束相互交替处有较大的层间剪应力。For the compression in the direction along the fiber yarns, the maximum interlaminar shear stress occurs at the interlacing junctions of the yarns.

本文旨在收集日本中世有关宋本传承的史料,勾勒出现在还不甚明了的两宋刻本东渐之大致经纬。This paper discusses editions of Song Dynasties handed down to Japan in medieval Age with historical accounts, and outlines its path eastward to Japan.