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你必须按艰苦朴素的标准去生活。You must live up to hard work and plain living.

我们必须保持艰苦朴素的作风。We must keep to the style of hard work and plain living.

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艰苦朴素的作风是中国人民的传家宝。Hard work and plain living is a cherished heritage of the Chinese people.

艰苦朴素是中华民族的优良品质。Plain living and hard working are the fine qualities of the Chinese people.

这位老干部仍然保持着艰苦朴素的作风。This veteran cadre still remains his philosophy of hard work and plain-living.

当然政府自身不打算做艰苦朴素的榜样。Certainly, the government itself is not about to start making a fetish of frugality.

现如今在一些人身上很难觅到艰苦朴素的精神。Nowadays, it is hard to find the spirit of hard work and plain living in some people.

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他重新懂得了艰苦朴素的价值,终生受益。He learnt anew the value of hard work and frugality, which benefited him throughout his life.

他决定改过自新,艰苦朴素,重新得到家人的尊敬。He decided to turn over a new leaf. He would live simply and regain the respect of his family.

学习雷锋艰苦朴素、勤俭节约的作风,培养良好的生活习惯。Two, learning Lei Feng hard work and plain living, thrift style, cultivate good living habits.

在一些人眼里,艰苦朴素的精神已经与我们的时代格格不入了。In the eyes of some people, the spirit of hard work and plain living has been out of tune with our times.

如果需要,你可以做到自律、奉献、艰苦朴素以达到重大的目标。When necessary, you are capable of discipline, sacrifice, or austerity to achieve what is important to you.

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坚定正确的政治方向,艰苦朴素的工作作风,灵活机动的战略战术。A firm and correct political orientation, an industrious and simple style of work, and flexible strategy and tactics.

洛克菲勒甚至是艰苦朴素、不近女色,这才是真正的慈善家。David Rockefeller even lives a hard and plain life, restraining himself from sex scandals. These are real philanthropists.

我们必须恢复和发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众的优良传统。We must revive and develop further the Party's fine traditions of hard work, simple living and close ties with the masses.