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哎,停停停。怎么还有牛奶啊?Stop. How can milk be included?

红灯红灯,红灯亮了,停停停。Red, red, the light is red. Stop, stop, stop.

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你给的甜蜜的伤口,陪着我停停又走走。To your sweet wound, accompany me to stop again.

战争打打停停,只有我们的战士是恒久不变的!Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal !

为你走走停停,最后还是没等到你这片风景。As you walk, finally or not until you this scenery.

摇摇停停,停停摇摇,缓缓急急,前后四次。Shake stop and shake slowly and quickly four times altogether.

它曲曲折折,走走停停,踟蹰了18年。It is winding, walking and stopping, has hesitated for 18 years.

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午夜的旅馆是一个神奇的地方,老鼠在远处跑跑停停。Midnight hotel is a magical place, mice run off in the distance.

而如果货币能够更为自由浮动,就会走出“停停走走”的怪圈。A more freely floating currency would ease this stop-and-go cycle.

温格表示,“因为一些不断烦扰的小伤病,他曾经经历过一段时间的打打停停。”He had a period where he was in and out, a little niggling injury.

我们摇扭捏晃,逛逛停停,却怎么也到不了终点。We shake shake shake, go off, but also how to reach its destination.

我们摇扭捏晃,逛逛停停,却怎么也到不了终点。We shook the wriggle sway, hit off, but how also to its destination.

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慢慢驾驶你就可以在停停走走中前进。This way, you can roll through the stop-an-go pattern by just going slow.

这样,慢慢驾驶你就可以在停停走走中前进。This way, you can roll through the stop-an-go pattern by just going slow.

交通指示灯让我们停停走走,在空荡的马路上红灯并没有拦下汽车,只是喜欢在马路上乱走的人在这儿会皱起眉头。There were no cars to stop for but jaywalking is heavily frowned upon here.

研究发现在拥挤的交通的走走停停驾驶在不断增加。The study found an increase in both heavy traffic and stop-and-start driving.

类似的驾驶行为导致走走停停的交通堵塞又反过来会激怒驾驶人员。Such behaviour leads to the stop-start traffic jams which infuriate motorists.

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就这样停停走走,走走停停,当我们到达大方的时候已经快7点了!Thus we moved ahead intermittently and it was almost 7 when we reached Dafang!

最终,列车开开停停,40分钟后到达浦东机场。Eventually, the train to open the stop, 40 minutes to reach the Pudong Airport.

走走停停,累了,才收现自己恍若拾失了一样东西,难以适应。Walk off, tired, just discover oneself pass lost something, difficult to adapt.