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我们接受您的条件。We accept your terms.

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我们学习了条件语句。We have conditionals.

处理错误条件。Handle error conditions.

我们就可以说这个是次要条件So on this one we're okay.

但是我有几个条件。But here are the conditions.

经典条件作用是巴甫洛夫提出的。It was thought up by Pavlov.

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神是无条件的爱你。He loves you unconditionally.

条款与条件又是什么?On what terms and conditions?

讨论付款条件了吗?discuss the terms of payment?

现在我再改变一下条件Now, here's another variation.

那么一名称职的解说员应当具备哪些条件呢?What makes a good commentator?

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婴儿爱你是无条件。Baby loves you unconditionally.

你同意这些条件吗?Do you agree to the conditions?

然后启动市场发展创造条件。Then launch the Market Enabler.

他们谈好了条件。They talk about good condition.

什么条件给我都不换。What conditions are not for me.

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出现文件终止条件。An end-of-file condition occurs.

这里条件比较艰苦。Conditions are rather tough here.

他的优势后来成了他的不利条件。His advantage turned against him.