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产品目录。Product catalog.

你们有商品目录吗?Do you have catalogues?

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我位于什么目录内?What directory am I in?

基蒂已经写一个目录。Kitty has written a list.

拥有自己的主目录。Have their home directory.

一个主题目录能帮助改变。A topics catalog will help.

是反复浏览一份目录。It's de-scanning a catalog.

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有没有车的目录表?Do you have a car catalogue?

我们去函新目录。We send for the new catalog.

你是指目录上的2158号吗?。You mean catalogue No. 2158?

年鉴、地图册、授权目录Almanacs, Atlases, AV Catalogs

然而,任何目录都可以。Any directory will do, however.

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拍卖物品目录早在几天前就已售罄。Catalogs sold out days earlier.

企业目录管理。Corporate Directory Management.

不在社团目录索引里面。It's not in the index of clubs.

你可以从目录中查找出You can look up in the catalog.

我打算去函索要一份目录单。I'm going to send for a catalog.

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目录册正在修订之中。The catalogue is under revision.

可以在下面的目录中找到折叠图像You can find the twisty image at

它可以检查自己看库存目录。it can consult its own backlist.