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请坐成半圆。快集合,请坐下。Please sit in a semi-circle.

抖动以图中的半圆来显示。The wobble is shown in the half-circles.

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半圆头低方颈螺栓。Round head low square neck carriage bolts.

它是一种用小麦制成的有馅料的食物,通常呈半圆状。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.

在北侧半圆壁龛另有一块相似的石头。A similar rocky protrusion was noticed in the north apse.

能看到侧乳,半圆臀部,和一个怪怪的showing side boob, a crescent of butt, and an anatomically

我们把面对面型议员席和半圆型议员席放在同一个空间之内。The opposing benches and the semicircle combined in one space.

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半圆壁,弧形窗在高高的屋顶上的小的,圆的或。A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof.

一个订制的半圆窗安装在早餐区的角落。A custom half-circle window was installed in the breakfast nook.

在实验中,研究人员用16个摄像机组成一个半圆。In experiments, the researchers placed 16 cameras in a half-circle.

半圆壁龛的马赛克是由爱尔兰、匈牙利和波兰资助的。The mosaics in the apses were donated by Ireland, Hungary and Poland.

换句话说,我现在将转向「精神健康的半圆」。I will, in other words, now turn to the 'semi-circle of mental health'.

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事实上,石头是在圣堂靠近半圆壁龛处被发现的。As a matter of fact, the stone was found close by the apse of the church.

男人们演奏乐器时,妇女们围成半圆随音乐起舞。The women danced in semicircles while the men played musical instruments.

由一个同中心的半圆聚合物放置在金制膜层上构成的。It consists of concentric semicircles of a polymer laid down on a gold film.

银白色的日本展馆形成一个半圆型的大穹顶,宛如一座“太空堡垒”。Japan Pavilion silver to form a large semi-circular dome, like a "Robotech."

半圆月挂在天空了,夜还没有降临,空气里带着黄昏的香味。A half-moon hung in the sky, and the air was filled with the fragrance of dusk.

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半圆锥形主要应用于城堡的屋顶、飞机或飞机前端等尖部使用。E-08 is used primarily to constract roofs, front ends of airplanes and missiles.

各顶部和底部半圆都将划分为一组水平线段。Each top- and bottom-circle half is divided into a collection of horizontal lines.

随半圆的大小不同,连接的直线长度也不同。Depending on the size of the half- circles the straight connection varies in length.